Detention (S) - Sullyoon

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Requested by Amirz__05


Teacher: Y/n I know you are busy with student council and your own life but could you please cover detention for me today. 

Y/n: Yeah sure no problem. 

Teacher: Thank you Y/n.

Sullyoon POV

Omg Y/n is covering detention maybe this my chance to spend time with him. Its a Friday its always quiet because everyone always wants to go home so I should be able to spend time with him alone I just need to figure out how. I rushed back to my classroom and waited for my chance to get what I wanted. Once the class ended I waited for everyone to leave before I went to the teachers desk. 

Sullyoon: Miss I think that your makeup is horrible. 

Teacher: Well that's not very nice now is it Sullyoon.

Sullyoon: Well what are you going to do about. 

Teacher: Give you a warning. 

 Sullyoon: You are a bitch. 

Teacher: Sullyoon watch it.

Sullyoon: Um...Your boyfriend probably cheats on you! 

Teacher: DETENTION! 

Sullyoon: Fine.

As I walked out the classroom I couldn't help but have a smile on my face. 



Teacher: Thanks again for doing this Y/n. 

Y/n: I already told you no problem miss.

Teacher: There is only one student for you today so it should be fairly easy. 

Y/n: Who is it? 

Teacher: Sullyoon I don't what was wrong with her today she just acted up out of the blue. 

Y/n: I will talk to her miss maybe she's just having a bad day. 

Teacher: I hope so I will see you again soon Y/n feel free to take care of some of your duty's or go home if she doesn't show up. 

Y/n: I will.

I waited for a few minutes thinking that she wasn't going to show up until the door opened and the girl walked in timidly. 

Y/n: Hi. 

Sullyoon: H-hi...

Y/n: So I heard what you did and well I want to ask why? 

Sullyoon: Um...I can't tell you! 

I sat on the desk that she was sat behind as I spoke to her. 

Y/n: Sullyoon no matter what it is I promise that I won't tell anyone whatever your reason was if you tell me I wont tell it to anyone. 

Sullyoon: I-I...

Y/n: Go on its alright. 

Sullyoon: Iheardthatyouwerecoveringdetention! 

Y/n: Sorry can you say that a little slower.

Sullyoon: I heard that you were covering detention...

Y/n: You did it because I was covering? 

I watched as she nodded her head not daring to look up at me.

Y/n: What a naughty girl. 

I got off the desk and stood next to her. 

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