Her Favourite Student - IU

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Hes here like always. The perfect student. He always pays attention. I know im not meant to pick favourites but hes so cute when he concentrates I've fallen for him but im his teacher I shouldn't feel like this but I do.


Hyunjin: Where's my money shit face! 

As he slammed me against the lockers I felt pain go through my body.

Hyunjin: Where is it.

Y/n: I don't owe you anything.

Hyunjin: You are answering back to me? 

He punched me in the stomach before knocking me to the floor.

Felix: Leave him for now we got class.

Hyunjin: Fine.

Changbin: Oh and Y/n what a nice little book you got here.

Y/n: Give...it back..

Felix: you want your little book of shitty lyrics back? 

Y/n: Please...

Changbin: What a bitch you are.

Hyunjin: Lets go read some to the class im sure Miss IU wont mind.

Felix: I can't wait for the day we have that bitch bent over the desk.

As they walked away I slowly stood myself up and headed to class a few minutes late. Walking through the door I heard laughs come from the entire class as I walked in looking like trash. 


Hyunjin: Eh? Why should we be quiet?

IU: Be quiet Hyunjin.

Hyunjin: Did you wear that tight skirt to turn me on Miss because it is working.

IU: Do I need to report you? 

Hyunjin: Why would I need to get reported? I know you want to see my dick inside of you.

IU: That's it Hyunjin go to the principles office!

Hyunjin: Fine by me. Oh and Miss you look hotter when you are angry.


IU: Y/n can you stay behind please.

As everyone else left the class Miss IU made sure that it was only the two of us before she came over to me.

IU: Why were you late today Y/n?

Y/n: No reason.

IU: Y/n.

Y/n: I just got up late that's all.

IU: Y/n please. 

Y/n: Im telling the truth Miss.

IU: No you aren't Y/n.

Y/n: Hyunjin.

IU: Hyunjins the reason you were late? 

Y/n: Him, Felix and Changbin.

IU: Ok Y/n thank you for telling me. Ill make sure they get punished.

Y/n: NO! I mean no. They will know it was me who told. 

IU: Y/n I won't let the hurt you.


It had gotten worse it had been two weeks since I had that talk with IU and it was so much worse than it had been. Constant beatings, getting humiliated them taking my money I couldn't take it anymore. I was now stood alone at the edge of the colleges roof I wanted to end it I wanted it all to end. Nothing mattered anymore I have no one...

???: Y/n STOP! 

I knew that voice. Its soft and caring tone there was only one person it could be. 

IU: Y/n get down from the edge.

Y/n: Why should I? I have nothing to live for.

IU: Y/n please listen to me and get down.

I hadn't once looked back at her so I had no idea how close she was until I was pulled back to the floor. When I looked around me I saw that IU was now on top of me and she was crying? 

Y/n: Why are you crying? 

IU: Please don't do something so stupid again.

Y/n: Miss why are you crying? 

IU: Y/n promise me. 

Y/n: I don't think I can I have no one like I said there's no reason for me to be here. 

IU: You have me.

Y/n: What? 

IU: You have me Y/n I love you so much I know its weird for a teacher to love her student but I can't help it with you. So please promise me that you won't do it. 

Y/n: I...I promise.

She slowly raised herself off of me and helped me to stand. The second I stood up she reconnected our bodies into a hug.  

IU: Y/n please let me keep you safe. Please go out with me.

Y/n: I will Miss... Sorry what's your actual name calling you Miss feels a bit weird.

IU: Jieun call me Jieun when we are alone. 

Y/n: Ok Jieun. Your name is really pretty.

Jieun: That was cute.

I looked into her eyes while a red coating covered my cheeks. I never realised how beautiful my teacher was everything about her seemed perfect. My body began to move on its own as my head slowly approached hers until I felt our lips connect. It wasn't a long kiss but there was a lot of emotion passed through it. As our lips parted neither of us went far we kept our foreheads together as we stared at each other neither one of us speaking. 

IU: Y/n you said you have no one how literal were you being? 

Y/n: I live alone because my parents disowned me. 

IU: Do...You maybe want to live with me? 

Y/n: Really? 

IU: Well as you are still a student you must be working a lot to be able to afford your rent. So I thought that you can live with me and it will be a lot easier for you.

Y/n: Id love to. 


The end of the college year came and it couldn't have gone any better Hyunjin, Felix and Changbin all got thrown out after being found smoking in the bathroom which meant college was a lot more peaceful for me. Jieun and I have had a lot of fun together as well its been a lot better for both of us since I moved in with her I didn't have to worry about working for rent so I could focus more on my studies with Jieun acting like a tutor at times however whenever she had a meeting so we couldn't go home together I would always make sure that she had food ready for when she arrived home. 

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