Protector - Eunchae

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Eunchae: Oppa I'm hungry~

Y/n: Well if you didn't get up late I would be able to make you breakfast but might want to hurry up and get to school on time.

I smirked at her as she pouted and left our aprtment. It had been tough for us...especially after our parents passed away but I was doing my best to support her. I had to work two jobs so annoyingly I couldn't spend as much time with her as I wanted but. As long as she is smiling I can be happy.

About thirty minutes after she left I made something to surprise her with and headed out to my first job. As much as I wanted a car I couldn't afford on but our dad left me his old motorbike and it was a real beauty.

I drove to the cafè and seeing how busy it was quickly started working.

Hyewon: Y/n can you make two more lattes!?

Y/n: Yes noona~

After the busy rush Hyewon was basically laid over the counter already tired.

Hyewon: You are a life saver sometimes.

Y/n: You are welcome. How are you?

Hyewon: Fine~ how are you? Met anyone yet?

Y/n: Nope.

Hyewon: Why not?

Y/n: I have bigger priorities.

Hyewon: Eunchae can look after herself you know?

Y/n: She really can't. The day she can then sure I'll try to find someone to date.

Hyewon: Whatever...

After a few more hours I took my lunch break early but went to Eunchae's school to give her the surprise. I parked outside the front gate and grabbed the bag that had Eunchae's surprise in and walked straight in. Normally if a stranger walked into a school it would raise alarms but I used to be a student here before I dropped out and most if not all the treachers know about mine and Eunchae's situation.

Miss Kwon: Oh Y/n. Its nice to see you.

Y/n: Hey Miss. Do you know if Eunchae is still in class?

Miss Kwon: Hmm. Yes she should be for about ten more minutes.

Y/n: Thank you~ I'll go wait for her.

Miss Kwon: Not a problem.

Miss Kwon was the youngest teacher at the school and was probably the only one that really know the full story. She was just a part time counsiler when the incident happened. I even cried in her arms...

I made it to Eunchae's class and peeked through the glass in the door and saw her in her normal seat. She was in the middle in terms of rows but by the window. I smiled at her before walking to the other side of the hallway to wait for her. I placed the bag and my helmet onto the window ledge while waiting for her. Once I heard the bell ring I turned round and leaned against the wall waiting for her to exit the classroom.

Eunchae: Oppa!?

She pushed past the rest of her class to hug me and I patted her head.

Eunchae's Classmate: Is that her boyfriend!? Fuck we have no chance.

I shot a glance at the guy and glared at him slightly which made him and his friend run down the corridor.

Eunchae: Why are you here?

Y/n: Well since I couldn't make you breakfast I though I would bring you lunch.

Kyujin: Did you bring enough for two?

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