Winter Wonderland Part 1

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Narrator = Italics or as I like to call it drunk words. 

Date: 13/12/22

A black car could be seen going through the cold streets of Seoul and in the backseat could be seen a boy gazing at the sights that they used to see daily.


Mum: Y/n sweetie aren't you happy that we are back? 

Y/n: I mean I guess so but its been years and I had friends that I won't see now.

Dad: Come on kid we are back in Seoul maybe you will meet some of the friends that you had 

form before like that what was her name again? 

Y/n: I wish I remembered but after almost ten years its quite difficult to.

Mum: Its only been nine years Y/n. We left when you were ten and such a cute boy and now you are nineteen and a handsome young man. 

Y/n: Thanks mum.

Just what was your name? 



An eight year old Y/n could be seen running in a park with a girl following behind him while the sun shone brightly above them. 

???: TAG YOUR IT! 

The boy quickly turned and ran after the slightly smaller girl only for him to reach her and bring her into a hug.

Y/n: I got you! 

The pair could then be seen laughing and enjoying each others company. 

???: Y/n I love you. 

Y/n: I love you too- 

End of Flashback

Y/n: I love you...Who? Who did I love? 

Mum: What did you say? 

Y/n: Nothing...just thinking out loud.

Mum: Alright then. Oh look we are about to go past the playground you used to beg me to take you to. 

Y/n: Yeah...

Dad: Y/n while we are staying with your aunt and uncle be sure to socialise as well try to make some friends you are going to college here starting next year. 

Y/n: I know. 

The car soon came to a stop in a driveway to a two story house as a middle aged man came out of the front door to meet the family as they exited the car. 

Uncle: How are you all! 

Dad: As loud as ever I see hyung. 

Uncle: Of course. I have to get louder when I see my brother and his family for the first time in years. 

Mum: Well thank you for having us. 

Uncle: Its no problem. I know your house wont be finished until the start of next year. I already told you my wife is fine with it. 

Y/n: Uncle is there a café nearby? 

Uncle: Do you want to me to take you? 

Y/n: Later I was just trying to remember what its like around here.

Uncle: I will get my daughter to take you later on then. 

Dad: I thought that yo-

Uncle: We adopted. I think she's around Y/ns age. 

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