What are we? (S) - Chaewon LE Sserafim

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What am I to Chaewon? I mean the two of us grew up together, We went to school together and now we not only go to college together and live together but work at the same café. Speaking of the café I couldn't help but watch as she worked. The bright smile that she held the kind way she spoke to the customers it all reminds me why she's my best friend.

Minju: Y/n.

Y/n: What's up?

Minju: Can you help me the machine doesn't seem to be working.

Y/n: Yeah sure what's wrong with it?

Chaewon POV

I glanced over to Y/n helping Minju to fix one of the coffee machines. The concentrated look it his eyes the way he is always so kind to everyone and how he always looks after me I can't help but love him.


Y/n: There we go.

Minju: Thank you!

Y/n: Yeah no problem Min.

I ruffled her hair before I walked over to Chaewon while it was quiet.

Y/n: You alright?

Chaewon: Yeah how are you?

Y/n: Still tired from our exams but we have what two three weeks off?

Chaewon: Aw~ You will recover soon.

Y/n: What's that?

I pointed at a few scrunched up napkins next to Chaewon at the register.

Chaewon: Oh nothing.

I picked one of them up and turned away from Chaewon as she tried to grab it off of me. I unravelled the napkin to see that there was a number written with a note saying it was for the "Hot guy barista".

Y/n: Is this for me?

Chaewon: No!

Y/n: Are you sure I am the only guy that works here.

I turned to look at her as she stood with her hands on her hips.

Chaewon: She wasn't good enough for you.

Y/n: Yah. This is why I have never had a girlfriend.

Chaewon: You don't need one. Just stay with me.

Y/n: I already do?

Chaewon: I know keep it that way.

Minju: Y/n have you really never had a girlfriend?

Y/n: You interested Min?

Minju: Sorry I see you as a brother Y/n but you are really handsome I can't see why you haven't had a girlfriend.

Y/n: That one.

I pointed to Chaewon.

Y/n: She was always around me.

Chaewon: Duh I have to make sure you have someone right for you.

Yena: You guys coming to the Christmas party tonight?

Y/n: You say party but we are literally just going to Eunbis to drink.

Yena: Well are you going?

Y/n: Fuck yeah free booze.

Chaewon: Yah don't drink too much.

Y/n: Why so I can walk you home again?

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