Halloween Party Special (S) Part 3

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Minnie POV

I looked in horror as I woke up the two women that we at the door were inside the house and had tied us all to chairs. I was the only one awake I couldn't help but to stare at my baby he looked so hurt. 

???: Oh you are up.


???: So you are one of the succubi. 

Minnie: LET MY BABY GO! 

???: First of all im Sunmi nice to meet you and this is my partner IU. Secondly the four of you have been bad girls~ 

Minnie: DIE! 

Sunmi: Now we have been on this planet a few hundred years I don't think we will be anytime soon. I mean as long as we get blood us vampires are immortal. 

Minnie: V-vampire? 

Sunmi: That's right. And every vampire needs a mate and you presented the two of us with one.

Minnie: No you can't hes mine! 

Sunmi: Not for long~ 

IU: Unnie hes waking up. 

Sunmi: Lets strip down Jieun give him a nice view when he wakes up fully.


Y/n: My...head...

I had a massive headache and I didn't know why I tried to move my hands or legs but could hardly do so. 

???: Hello honey im Sunmi and that's IU soon enough you will be screaming our names in pleasure so be ready.

Y/n: What? 

Minnie: Baby are you ok?

Y/n: Noona? 

I felt a cold hand brush my chin and force me to look at someone. I saw a beautiful women stood in the nude with another stood next to her. 

Sunmi: Now honey shall we move to the sofa make us all more comfortable? 

Y/n: Huh? 

Sunmi: Maybe I did hit you a little hard.

She undid the restraints around my legs and wrists before picking me up over her shoulder and walking to the sofa where she dropped me down. 

Sunmi: Im happy we took your clothes off before we tied you up it makes this a lot easier. 

I looked up as a familiar cold hand grabbed my dick and slowly began to jerk it waking it up. 

Sunmi: So big I see why four succubi were interested by you. Now do you want mummy to make you feel better than all of them did? 

Before I could answer the other women had already come over and locked her lips with my own. 

Sunmi: Finally letting yourself go Jieun. 

The women broke the kiss for a second to respond. 

IU: Shut up. 

My eyes wondered to Minnie who was across from me and tried to reach out to her with hand only for it to be grabbed. 

  IU: There's no escape you sweet baby boy. 

I suddenly felt a warm feeling envelop the tip of my dick to see Sunmi straddling me the tip inside of her already. 

Sunmi: Now I have had some good dick in my day but this one hmm~ mummy is happy she found you. 

She suddenly slammed herself down onto me as she screamed out in a combination of pleasure and pain. 

Sunmi: Oh FUCK! 

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