Ready For New Love (S) - Jennie, Rose Blackpink

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Requested by808AirsoftBros


(Why...why did she cheat on me? Why in our apartment? In our bed? What did I do wrong?) 

I asked the bartender to get me another drink. I just needed to wash away the thoughts away...

Jennie POV

Jennie: You got through to him yet? 

Rose: No he hasn't replied to any of my text or calls. 

Jennie: Should we go find him?

Rose: We don't know where he is though.

Jennie: Its ok we can find Y/n im sure hes just partying or something. 

Me and Rose left our apartment to try to find Y/n. 

Rose: Where could he be?

Jennie: I don't know he didn't answer when we went to his apartment. So...I don't know...

Rose: Im worried about him.

Jennie: So am I don't worry we will find him. 

It had been over an hour since we left to try to find Y/n we were worried that something had happened to him. As we turned onto another street we saw a figure slouched down against the wall with their hands covering their face but their familiar hair even clothes that he was wearing I knew it was him. 

Jennie: Holy shit Y/N!

Once I reached him I lifted his head up to show his cheeks covered in his tears with more falling.

Jennie: Y/n what happened? 

Y/n: Nothing Jennie nothing happened. 

Rose: Yah don't lie to us. Its obvious something happened.

As the two of us hoisted him up we began to walk him to his apartment but he stopped walking once he realised the direction we were going.

Jennie: Why don't you want to go to your apartment. 

Y/n: No reason...Can we go to your place. 

Rose: Ok Y/n. But you better tell us what's wrong when we get there.

Once we got back to our apartment we dropped Y/n onto the sofa before taking a seat either side of him.

Jennie: So Y/n what happened? 

Y/n: She...she...

Rose: She what Y/n is ok you can tell us. 

Y/n: She cheated on me...

Jennie: She fucking did what! 

Rose: What a bitch. 

Jennie: Is there a way we could cheer you up? 

Y/n: I don't think so...

Rose: Y/n excuse us for a second we will be right back we promise. 

Y/n: Ok...

As Rose pulled me away so Y/n couldn't hear us she told me about a plan she developed.

Rose: Unnie this is our chance we have liked him for so long but Nayeon asked him out first and now that she's out of the picture we should cheer him up.

Jennie: How do we know she's out the picture for all we know he still loves her and it kinda seems like that. 

Rose: Well we "cheer him up" so he forgets all about us this is the perfect chance. 

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