A Different Graveyard Part 3

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How can I prevent it? I have two days to get them out of there. I couldn't sleep since I got the news and soon returned for my fifth night and first of two chances to get the girls out. When I walked into the building I exchange greetings and farewells with my manager as I took a seat behind the desk. A few minutes passed and I had begun to dig through the computer for any information on the buildings layout. 

Joy: What you doing? 

Y/n: Is there a back entrance? 

Yunjin: Oh is our Y/n trying to sneak a girl in? 

Y/n: The opposite I'm trying to sneak seven out. 

Karina: But we are the only seven here? 

Y/n: Exactly. You can't be here in two days.

Yunjin: Why not? 

Y/n: Don't worry about it just try to help me. If you were gonna be snuck out of here how would you do it? 

Irene: The underground tunnels. 

Y/n: Underground tunnels? 

Irene: Want me to show you? 

Joy: There are underground tunnels? 

Karina: I didn't know about them.

Irene: No one does I only saw them once before the rest of you arrived.

I stood up from the desk and followed Irene to the kitchen as she moved the fridge to reveal a door hidden behind. 

Irene: I'm not sure how long they are but I know they lead outside. 

Y/n: I'll look. 

Handong: I will come with you. 

Kazuha: Be careful.

Y/n: We will.

The two of us ventured down the tunnels for around an hour until we saw a door. Handong opened the door and once she exited it turned out to be on the outskirts of the city at the base of a bridge. 

Y/n: I know where we are. 

Handong: Y/n please tell me why you are trying to find us some way out. 

Y/n: I-I can't Handong. Not now at least just please trust me.

Handong: Ok Y/n. We should probably head back its around 2am. 

Y/n: Yeah...

Once we made it back I quickly went back to the computer and begun to draw a map on paper for where we came out from the tunnels.

Y/n: Where could I take them? 

Yves: Y/n why are you drawing a map? 

Y/n: For when I get you out. 

Yves then grabbed me tightly before lifting me up and walking me to the rest of the girls who then surrounded me. 

Irene: Y/n tell us why you are getting us a way out.

Y/n: Uh...I really like you girls. 

Irene: As much as we appreciate you saying that we all know that isn't the truth.

Y/n: People are trying to dismantle you. They will be here in two more days so tomorrow night is the only chance I have to get you all out.

Joy: Why didn't you tell us! 

Y/n: I didn't want to worry you all...

Handong: We appreciate your concern but we aren't humans Y/n. You not telling us gives us what is closer to a sense of worry than you not telling us. 

Y/n: Sorry...

Yunjin: Its whatever at least we have an escape route now.

Y/n: What time is it? 

Irene: 3:26am why? 

Y/n: I'll be right back! 

I ran out of the building and quickly locked the door behind me before making a call. 

Friend: Y/n? Why are you calling me at 3am? 

Y/n: Because mate I knew you would be up.

Friend: What do you want? 

Y/n: You still have that van? 

Friend: Yeah why? 

Y/n: Can I pick it up later I'm gonna need to borrow it for a while. 

Friend: Sure. Just replace the gas you use and its fine. 

Y/n: Nice I will come to your place later then. 

Friend: Yep now fuck off I'm going back to sleep.

Y/n: No problem. 

I re-entered the building and excitedly hugged each of the girls. 

Karina: That was new. 

Y/n: I can save you all! 

Handong: That's great. 

The rest of the night felt like a blur I instantly went back to my apartment and set an alarm for a few hours to get a little bit of rest before the escape. I woke up and collected my friends van before parking it in position just a few minutes from the exit under the bridge. I waited for the time for my shift to start and once it did I waited with the girls for an hour before making my move to get the girls out. We made our way through the tunnels even re covering behind us to cover our tracks. We made it out of the tunnel around 2am like me and Handong did the night before I led the girls to the van. Once they were all inside I got in the driver seat and just set off not really having a specific destination in mind. 

Handong: So where are we going? 

Y/n: Haven't figured that part out yet.

Irene: Whatever Y/n as long as we are with you we are happy. 

Y/n: At least I've been saving up I think you girls might need new clothes. 

Joy: What's wrong with what we have now? 

Y/n: Its a bit flamboyant for human society. 

We stopped off at a hotel hours later and once I paid for a room got all the girls in without much problem. 

Handong: Y/n lay down you need to sleep. 

Y/n: I'm fine. 

I was then pushed to the bed as Yves rested some of her weight on my side. 

Yves: No you aren't. I can see the bags under your eyes. 

Handong: Goodnight baby. 

??? POV


Employee 1: I'm sorry boss but there is no sign of them anywhere inside. 


Manager: Why would I know I'm only the day guard! 


Manager: Why should I tell you? I'm loosing my job because of you and so is the nightguard. 

???: I can give you money.

Manager: How much because it wont be enough! 

???: 20 Million.

Manager: Y/n...

???: What? 

Manger: His name is Y/n. Now pay me! 

???: Of course. You give him his "payment" 

I turned around and walked a few steps away when I heard the gun shot behind me. 

???: That boy. I'm actually impressed. How can someone so useless become such a problem. I will let you have this one you can keep those girls...If only I was a day quicker I could have killed you.

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