A Different Graveyard Part 2

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Time to head back for my second day. At least I get to see Handong again. When I got into the office I passed by my manager as he was leaving. Once I was inside the office I looked as the time read midnight. 

Y/n: I wonder what will happen tonight...

As the night progressed I had hidden from Karina again as well as Joy. The time now read 5:15am. 

Y/n: This is ok. Now I'm used to it its not bad. I can deal with this. 

The night went on until and ended peacefully. 

Y/n: I wasn't able to see Handong again...

The third night and fourth night were similar however the fourth however quickly got more stressful as the girls were a lot more active and by 3am I was stressed.  

Y/n: Yves where is Yves!?

I quickly scanned through the cameras and couldn't find her but a sound coming from the vent next to me made me look down as I saw Yves smirking at me from the vent. I reached across the for the button but I was tackled to the floor before I could hit it. There was pain going through my entire body from the animatronic diving on top of me.

Yves: Hello Y/n. How have you been? Its been a long time. 

I tried to get away from her but couldn't as she kept me pinned to the floor.

Yves: That hat really does nothing good for you it nearly got you killed last night. 

I kept struggling until Yves had clearly had enough and grabbed my arms tightly.

Yves: Y/n stop struggling or I might hurt you. 

I struggled until she let go and once she did I sprinted out of the room. 

Yves: Y/N! 

I heard her follow me out of the room as I managed to hide under a table in one of the party rooms. I hid there for a while before I heard some voices. 

Joy: How did you loose him?

Yves: I didn't want to crush his arms! 

Irene: Whatever he's still gonna be in the building girls lets find him. 

I heard some of their steps get further away while two got a lot closer to me. 

Yunjin: Where do you think he ran off to? 

Kazuha: I don't know I just hope he doesn't hurt himself.

I stayed quiet under the table while the two kept talking. I stayed there for a while I even checked my watch to see that the time was 4am. 

Yunjin: *Sigh* Y/n are you gonna come out from under the table? We know that you are under there.

She's bluffing right? I have made no noise since I came in here. 

Yunjin: Come on out Y/n we saw your foot. 

No she didn't she is lying. 

Kazuha: Y/n please.

The cloth for the table was lifted right in front of me as I saw Kazuha looking at me. 

Kazuha: Please come out. 

Y/n: Why? You will just kill me. 

Kazuha: No we wont. 

Y/n: I don't want to. 

Yunjin: Y/n don't be difficult just come out.

I slowly crawled out from under the table ready to run but before I could Yunjin grabbed my arm and sat me down at a table. 

Yunjin: Kazuha get the other girls. 

Kazuha: Ok. 

Y/n: W-What are you going to do to me? 

Yunjin: Just relax Y/n we wont do anything bad. 

Y/n: I don't believe you...

Yunjin: Why not? 

Y/n: You're scary...

Yunjin: Scary? Us? 

Y/n: Y-Yeah Handong is the only nice one out of you all. 

Yunjin: And to think we spent hours looking for you.

Y/n: N-No you didn't...

Yunjin: Yes we did you cute idiot. 

Y/n: Only Handong looked for me the rest of you just chased me. 

Yunjin: Do you really think so? 

Y/n: You were...

Yunjin: We were trying to find you. Your parents were worried. 

Y/n: They weren't my parents which is why I ran in the first place.

Yunjin: They weren't?

Y/n: Nope and I'd rather not get into it. 

Yunjin: Well we will listen when you want to tell. 

Just then the rest of the girls came to us and quickly gathered around me.

Y/n: H-Handong please come here...

She walked over to me as I held her in front of me. 

Irene: Are you sure he grew up? He's definitely taller but he still acts like a kid. 

Handong: Well he doesn't have the fondest memories of us. 

Joy: Alright Y/n sit down.

Y/n: Why? 

Karina: So we can talk to you. Its been years since we saw you. 

Yves: He really has grown up.

Y/n: You are being kinda creepy...

The rest of the night was unexpected but a lot more enjoyable as I talked to the girls until morning came where we had to go our separate ways as they returned to the storage room and I headed home.

Y/n: Last night was more peaceful than I thought it would be. Why have I been so scared of them all these years? 

I kept thinking back to right before the girls all came me and when it was just me and Yunjin. Those people I were with that weren't my parents they are the reason everything went wrong the mechanic that Joy killed it was because of them. The people who took over the company just a month before the incident shut Irene's Pizza World down it was them. They wanted to make the animatronics weaponised which back fired resulting in the incident. The same people who kidnapped me. 

*Ring* *Ring* 

The sound of my phone ringing took me out of my horrible nostalgia as I answered it seeing my managers number. 

Y/n: Hello sir. 

Manager: Ah Y/n perfect I have rather big news for you. Would you like the good or bad news first? 

Y/n: Good news...

Manger: Well in the near future you will be seeing a lot more time off for vacation. 

Y/n: Why is that? 

Manager: Well that's the bad news...In three days time the higher ups have got the girls scheduled to be scrapped due to them being unable to be restored. This also means that you may be loosing your job however I myself don't even know if I will keep my job. I have no clue for what they plan to use the building for. 

Y/n: O-Ok...I'll see you tonight when we swap over then. 

Manager: Yep. All the best Y/n. 

He hung up as my thoughts began to process. 

Y/n: The girls are gonna get scrapped!? I have to stop it! 

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