Punishment (S) - Tzuyu Twice

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Requested by 808AirsoftBros

Tzuyu POV


Tzuyu: *Sigh* Of course hes being loud the one time I want to watch TV. 

Maybe its just a one time thing. 

A few minutes later


I swear to god If he shouts one more time im going to go up there and shut him up.


That's it I headed to me and Y/ns room and changed before going into the office where Y/n was currently. 


Hearing the door open I turned to look at Tzuyu wearing A tight black silk dress with black stockings and high heels. 

Y/n: Wow.

Tzuyu: Turn off the game.

Y/n: Why?

Tzuyu: I told you to.

She then marched over to me before turning off my pc. 

Y/n: Hey.

Tzuyu: Don't you hey me mister. 

She then Dragged me by my hair to our bed room before throwing me to the bed.

Tzuyu: Strip.

Y/n: The fuck you mean strip what's got into you?

Tzuyu: Y/n you better fucking start stripping unless you want your balls cut off. 

Y/n: Yes Ma'am!

Once I stripped all my clothes off I looked at her for what to do next.

Tzuyu: Lay on the bed. 

I followed her instructions as she then stood over me. 

Tzuyu: Look at you pathetic. 

Y/n: Im litter-

Tzuyu: Did I say you could speak? 

I shook my head. 

Tzuyu: That's what I thought. 

She then couched down by my dick. 

Tzuyu: This right here is the only thing worth staying for. You are loud, annoying and never clean up after yourself. 

Y/n: Im sorry.

Tzuyu: Aww baby its ok~ You just need to be taught a few lessons. 

She then placed a hand around my dick.

Tzuyu: You know I love you Y/n. 

She then gripped tightly as I flinched out of pain.

Tzuyu: Does that hurt? I know how much you love my hand jobs so this is good for you right?

I nodded weakly.

She then let go of my dick before standing over my head. 

Tzuyu: Y/n. Are you ready to treat your queen.

I quickly nodded as she then sat on top of my face. As soon as her pussy was planted above my mouth I started using my tongue to pleasure her. 

Tzuyu: You can do better than that. Or do I have to call one of your friends to fuck me for you? I've heard them say how hot they think I am.

That awakened something in me as I put everything I could into pleasing her I never wanted Tzuyu to be anywhere that wasn't near me. I wanted to prove myself to her. 

Tzuyu: Good~ There you go~ 

I pulled her closer to me by gripping her thighs with my hands and doing everything to make her happy. 


Soon I felt her cum hit my tongue and then my mouth as she moaned loudly. She quickly moved off of my face and sat on my chest. 

Tzuyu: Show me it! 

 As I opened my mouth to show her cum in my mouth she crashed me into a kiss and I felt something new enter my mouth as she kept forcing the kiss until I swallowed everything in my mouth. 

Tzuyu: Now soon you will be begging me to let you cum.

Y/n: Tzu what did you put in my mouth?

Tzuyu: Nothing much just Viagra to keep you up for even longer. 

She then slid herself from my chest down to my dick where she began to grind against me.

Tzuyu: Actually stay still for a minute. 

She suddenly got off the bed and grabbed something from under the bed before re appearing with two pairs of handcuffs. 

Y/n: Tzu? 

She game me a sadistic smile before handcuffing my hands to the bed frame. 

Tzuyu: I cum before you I will let you free. However if you cum first then I will keep going until im satisfied which means even if I cum after that point Im not going to stop. 

She then grinded against my dick once more before sliding my length into her.

Tzuyu: Mmm~ It feels good as always.

She then began to bounce herself slowly. 

Tzuyu: Who knows baby maybe you won't be enough to satisfy Mummy maybe Ill have to find myself a Daddy who can make me cum.

She did it again as I felt my resolve solidify as she began to bounce more soon I felt myself getting closer but I wasn't going to give up I began what I thought as my best chance to make her cum as I began to thrust into her while she was bouncing against me catching her off guard as she began to scream out in pleasure.

Tzuyu: Fuck! Y/n~ Mummy feels good keep going! 

That was all I needed to hear I knew I could win I just needed to hold on for a little bit longer. But would I really be able to.

Y/n: Tzu~ 

Tzuyu: Shut up~ I don't even care who cums first just keep going! 

As I thrust deep into one final time we both stopped as we came together I ended up closing my eyes due to the pleasure I felt. I felt my hands be free from the cuffs as I opened my eyes to see Tzuyu starring straight into my eyes.

Tzuyu: Y/n im sorry. I didn't mean what I said.

Y/n: No no its fine hearing you say those things actually made me want to make you feel better. 

Tzuyu: You know I said that I might have to find a Daddy if you can't satisfy me.

Y/n: Yes...

Tzuyu: I don't need to find one because you are right here for me always. 

Y/n: You had me worried for a second there.

Tzuyu: Also I want your friends to know they never have a chance with me. The way they look at me makes me want to gouge out their eyes. 

Y/n: I won't stop you. 

Tzuyu: Y/n I love you please don't forget that.

Y/n: I don't think I could ever forget that. Tzu I love you too. 

Tzuyu: Can we stay like this and sleep for a while? 

Y/n: Of course its quite late anyway. Sleep well princess.

Tzuyu: I can only sleep when my prince is next to me~

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