Mine - Sullyoon

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Bae: Y/n~ come in baby!

Being a kpop idols boyfriend...was different and not something I expected. I was close to a few of the Nmixx members already because of school but I never expected to be daiting one of them...especially not Bae. She was perfect she was so loving, kind and funny.

I entered the dorm and greeted the other members who all seemed happy to see me and not annoyed that I was there which is always good.

Haewon: Hey Jiwoo cover Kyujins ears quickly.

Kyujin: Huh wh- unnie let me go!

Jiwoo: Done~

Haewon: So...have you two...yknow...done it yet?

Bae: U-Unnie we are taking things slow!

Haewon: I mean there is slow then there is what even you two are doing.

Y/n: We will soon...

Haewon: Good because it took you four months to even kiss. Its been a year now. Come on I know if I was dating I would go crazy for my partner. Whateve-

Lily: Aren't you already crazy over me?

Haewon: Y-You know what I mean like...a partner of the opposite gender.

Lily: I guess I see your point. Hey Bae want to share him with us?

Bae: NO! Y/n is my boyfriend.

I smiled as I looked at Bae who was now hugging me tightly. She may be tall but still short enough where her head lays on my chest.

Lily: Sullyoon don't you agree with Haewon? You would be quicker than this?

Sullyoon: I don't really care...

There was an awkward silence after that until Kyujin broke it by standing up.

Kyujin: Oppa are you staying the night?

Y/n: Hmm...I'm not sur-

I looked down as I felt Bae pinch my side. She looked up pouting at me clearly wanting me to stay.

Y/n: I can stay the night.

Bae giggled and hugged me tighter then before a gesture that I returned and then was taken to her room so we could spend time together.

We laid under her blanket and cuddled as we watched Netflix on her phone until she paused it.

Bae: B-Baby...

Y/n: Yeah? What's wrong?

Bae: Are we...a proper couple?

Y/n: What do you mean? Of course we are.

Bae: B-But we haven't even seen each other naked...and the unnies were basically saying that we should have done by now...

Y/n: Baby I promise you we are a proper couple and we can do it when we are both comfortable to do so. Ok?

Bae: Ok...

We continued to watch together until we were both tired. She put the phone down and turned around to face me.

Bae: Tonight...I want to see you change and I want you to see me change...

Y/n: If that's what you want baby.

Bae: Y-You first...

I climbed out of the bed and grabbed my back I had brought with me. I opened the bag and layed my pyjamas on the bed. I looked at Bae as I took off my shirt. I wasn't ripped by any means but I made sure I was fit. She was blusing especially as I begun to take off my sweat pants. Once they were off I put on my pyjamas and climbed back into bed.

Y/n: You turn baby.

Bae: Y-Yeah...

Bae did mostly the same as me but was blushing as she took off her bra and tried not to look at me. When she climbed back into bed I hugged her and assured her she was beautiful before we fell asleep together.

???: Wake up~

My eyes flickered open. I wasn't in Bae's bed anymore...I wasn't with Bae anymore...where am I? Why is Sullyoon over me?

Sullyoon: Good morning my love~

Y/n: Mm?

My mouth has something over it...

Sullyoon: What's wrong? Want to speak baby?

Why does she keep calling me pet names? We aren't dating...I nodded my head and waited as she slowly unfasted the muffle from around my mouth.

Y/n: Where am I?

Sullyoon: Silly~ you are home with me.

Y/n: Where's Ba-

She grabbed my mouth and her expression changed instantly.

Sullyoon: Why does it matter where she is? You are mine.

Y/n: W-What?

Sullyoon: You see baby. I was in the same class as you and Bae. You know that its where we met. WE were always together at school. So why? Why did you decide Bae was going to be your girlfriend and not me? Were you just being a naughty boy? You like being naughty?

She let go of my face but when I tried to move my arms I realised I was locked to the bed.

Y/n: S-Sullyoon...

Sullyoon: Yes~?

Y/n: Let me go...

Sullyoon: No. Why would I do that? Do you even know what Bae does behind your back? She doesn't deserve you.

Y/n: W-What does she do?

Sullyoon: Flirt with male idols when she already has a perfect partner. I couldn't take it anymore. I love you and she does something that could hurt you. So I did what was best and take you to keep you safe.

How do I even respond to her? She's crazy...I'm sure Bae wasn't flirting with anyone this situation is too much for me...

Y/n: Please just let me go-

Sullyoon: You aren't going anywhere baby boy~ you are my boy- husband. My stay at home husband.

From that point I never left the apartment I was in. There was a single key that Sullyoon had. She took so many of my firsts...I hate to say it but being stuck with her as the only person I ever saw ruined me...I ended up loving her as much as I tried to resist...

Sullyoon: Darling~

Y/n: Y-Yes dear?

Sullyoon: We are going to visit some people. Behave and we can make a baby when we get back.

I nodded to her and stood up I put my shoes on as she took me outside for the first time in maybe a year...maybe two...I recognised the building it was the same Nmixx lived in...that's where she took me to their dorm. She introduced me as her husband...they all looked at her with a weird expression...it was the same as when Sullyoon was mad...Bae was crying...what do I-

Sullyoon: Darling lets go home. They want to take you away from your wife. Its time for us to make a baby.

Bae: Y/n! Don't go with her! Please don't!

Sullyoon: Sorry Bae. But he is MINE. He always was mine. You just borrowed my property for too long and didn't treasure it enough. I just had to take him back. Now be good and don't shout at my husband.

She took me back to the apartment...I probably should have tried to run but I'm numb to the idea after so many failed attempts. When we got back home she really did force me to make a baby with her...I don't even know if she will get pregnant or not...I'll just be forced to try again or make another anyway...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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