Christmas Present (S) - Lisa Blackpink

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Date: 16/12/22

Mum: Y/n if you could have anything for Christmas what would it be? 

Y/n: To see Lisa noona. 

Mum: You know that she's busy these days. 

Y/n: She's always busy. I haven't seen for years. Not since she debuted. 

Mum: I know Y/n I know you love your step sister. 

Y/n: I just miss her...

Mum: I know. 

Y/n: I'm going to bed. 

Mum: Y/n wait. 

I closed my bedroom door behind me and laid on my bed. It hadn't been the same since my stepdad died. My mum stopped working and I dropped out of school to work multiple jobs to ensure we had money to be able to stay under a roof. 

Date: 17/12/22

I woke up at 7am for my first job of the day. I started my shift at the convenience store and after a few hours and very few customers the shift ended. I ate cup noodles on my way to my second job for the day working at a café near the convenience store. 

Gahyeon: Y/n are you ok you? look really tired.

Y/n: I am tired. 

Gahyeon: Do you want to rest? I can cover for you. 

Y/n: I'm not gonna let you do both our shifts we are the only two working at is almost lunch. 

Gahyeon: Thank you. If you need a little rest just tell me ok.

Y/n: Yeah whatever. 

After the café I went to my third and final job for the day it was working as a waiter for a restaurant from 4pm till 12pm. During my shift I approached a table with four girls dressed casually with hoods over their heads. 

Y/n: Hello. Are you ready to order? 

??: Ah yeah can I have the steak. Medium please.  

Y/n: Of course. 

?: Unnie you go first I can't decide. 

???: Alright can I get the spaghetti. 

Y/n: Yep. 

????: Lil you ready yet? 

?: No you go. 

????: The Chicken Kiev please. 

Y/n: No problem. 

?: Alright can I have the...What would you recommend? 

Y/n: Personally I really like the lasagne. 

?: I will have that then. My step brother really likes lasagne so if its what you recommend I will take it.

Y/n: Mhm. Alright is that everything? 

??: Yeah thank you. 

Y/n: No problem the food will be out when its ready. 

Soon the shift ended and I returned to mine and my mothers apartment. 

Y/n: She's already asleep. Can't she wait for me just once? 

Date: 25/12/22

My schedule was the same right up until Christmas day it was the only day that I took off every year my mum never got me Christmas presents so I gave myself the day off as a present. 

Mum: Morning dear. 

Y/n: Here you go. Merry Christmas. 

Mum: Thank you. Your present isn't here yet but its due around lunch time. 

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