Bullies Part 2 (S) - Gidle

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The end of the day arrived as I headed out and once the girls spotted me escorted me back to their apartment with them. Once we made it inside I was pushed onto their sofa as the girls went to the kitchen. It took them a few minutes but when they came back all but Soojin looked pissed off. 

Soojin: Y/n baby you are a virgin right? 

Y/n: Y-yeah...

Soojin then came over and mounted my lap looking me in the eyes. 

Soojin: Don't worry baby soon I will change that just you wait till tomorrow. 

Y/n: I-I don't want you to take it...

Soojin: It doesn't matter you will come to us anyway you always do. You will want me because I can already feel you pressing against my ass cheek. If Soyeon didn't have you for the rest of the day I would take you right here. 

Y/n: Let me go Soojin. 

Soojin: I like the confidence from you Y/n. 

She soon climbed off of me but kept herself next to me and pressed her body against my arm. Soyeon on the other hand sat on my lap facing away from me as she did so. 

Shuhua: Y/n make us some food its getting late! 

Y/n: O-ok...please can I get up Soyeon? 

Soyeon: I suppose so. 

Yuqi: Y/n do you want me to help you? 

Y/n: No Yuqi.

As I went to walk by her she grabbed my wrist stopping me.

Yuqi: What was that? 

Y/n: No m-mummy. 

Yuqi: Don't hurt yourself. 

After I made them food I was preparing to leave when I was stopped by Minnie. 

Minnie: Where are you running of to? 

Y/n: Home. I'm going back to my apartment. 

Minnie: *Sigh* I wouldn't do that if I was you. 

Y/n: Well you aren't. 

I left their apartment and headed back to my own which conveniently was in the same building just a few floors lower. Once I got inside I threw my back onto my own sofa and headed to my own kitchen.

Y/n: Why me? Why the fuck is it me that they fuck with? Soojin was probably joking as well just messing with my head.

After I ate I headed to bed ready for another day of hell at school. When I turned up the next day I was thrown into a locker by another one of the schools bullies. 

Changbin: Why were you born? Such a pathetic bastard.

He hit me multiple times until I fell to the floor as he kicked me a few times before a sharp voice made him freeze.


The girls marched over to me and all went in front of me as Yuqi pushed Changbin. 

Yuqi: Why are you messing with our boy? 

Changbin: Your boy? That bastard? 

Yuqi: Don't you fucking dare call him that ever again! 

Changbin: Oh and wha- 

Yuqi slapped him hard across his cheek causing him to stumble back. She didn't even let him stand up straight as she kept hitting him as the other bullies in his group just backed away. Once they ran off the girls tried to check on be but as I slowly pushed myself to my feet I pushed away the girls arms as they tried to help me. 

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