Stress help (S) - Soyeon (G)I-dle

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Requested By ShinDyna345


I had been (G)I-dles assistant manager for the last year and a half It had been a lot of fun but also stressful making sure the girls got to their schedules on time. I walked into Soyeons studio as she looked at me with a tired smile.

Soyeon: Hi Y/n. 

Y/n: You look exhausted. 

Soyeon: So like you do half the time? 

Y/n: Touché. Alright lets get going its late. 

Soyeon: Not yet. 

Y/n: Soyeon come on. 

Soyeon: Not yet I still haven't done. 

Y/n: You don't need to do it all in a single day. 

Soyeon: But...

Y/n: Exactly. Come on turn it off for once I'm gonna use the fact im older than you to tell you what to do. 

Soyeon: You are hardly older than me. 

Y/n: I'm still older. Even if we are born in the same year. 

Soyeon: Fine it off we going somewhere? 

Y/n: Home dumbass. 

Soyeon: Yah don't call me a dumbass. 

Y/n: Whatever lets go I can tell that you are stressed lets go home I will get some food on the way back. 

Soyeon: Really? 

Y/n: As long as you don't tell your other manager yes.

Soyeon: I promise you Y/n I wont tell. 

Y/n: Good. God those girls are gonna be loud when we enter with food. 

Soyeon: I know but its whatever. 

When we returned to (G)I-dles dorm the girls all crowded around me as I handed the bags of food off to them to sort out. 

Y/n: I'll see you girls tomorrow. 

Yuqi: Where are you going oppa? 

Y/n: Home? 

Shuhua: Aren't you going to join us? 

Y/n: Nah I will just eat something when I get home. 

Miyeon: Not happening! 

Minnie: Y/n you are eating with us. 

Y/n: Nah you girls can enjoy it. 

Minnie: Y/n your noonas demand that you eat with us. 

Y/n: Really? 

Miyeon: Yep. 

Y/n: Fine. 

Once I had eaten with the girls I let them enjoy themselves for an hour or two before I sent them to bed. 

Yuqi: Do we have to? 

Y/n: I know you have the day off tomorrow but you still need to sleep.

Yuqi: Fine.

Y/n: Yah don't be upset with me. 

Once the girls had all gone to their respective rooms one of them stayed with me. 

Y/n: Soyeon you need to go to bed as well. 

Soyeon: Can you come with me...I am just really stressed.

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