Too Attached Part 1 - Haewon Nmixx & Gaeul IVE

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Haewon: Baby you I love you so much right?

Y/n: Haewon we broke up.

Haewon: But I still love you.

Y/n: You broke my heart. My hyungs were comforting me for weeks!

Haewon: Y/n. Stop talking to me with that tone.

Y/n: Fuck off Haewon I am your Sunbae show me some respect.

Haewon: I don't care if you are a member of Stray Kids or not we are the same age in fact my birthday is before yours in case you forgot.

Y/n: Whatever get out my way so I can go practise.

Haewon: Give me a hug first.

Y/n: No.

I slightly pushed Haewon to the side as I headed past her to get to the practise room. Once I entered my members turned to me before going back to whatever they were doing however one of them noticed something off with me instantly.

Hyunjin: You ok?

Y/n: Haewon just blocked me in the corridor.

Hyunjin: She did?

Y/n: Yep. *Sigh*

Hyunjin: Don't worry about her aren't things going well with you and Gaeul anyway?

Y/n: Yeah I think we like each other im just not too sure...

Hyunjin: Don't overthink it you are an incredible guy I have learned this since even before we debuted together.

Y/n: Thanks Hyung.

Hyunjin: You can talk to any of us whenever you know that.

Y/n: I really appreciate it.

Bangchan: Alright boys lets get to practice!


Bangchan: *Pant* Alright good work boys. *Pant* Lets head back to the dorm good work today!

Once we left the room Hyunjin wrapped his arm around my shoulder I was slightly taller than him but he didn't care as we continued through the building until a large shout was heard from behind us.

Lily: Chan Oppa!

We all turned as all of Nmixx came over to us instinctively Hyunjin pulled me slightly back as Changbin went in front of me.

Lily: Do you think we can hang out soon I miss when the aussies plus Y/n get together.

Chan: Maybe once our promotions are done they will be starting in a few days.

Bae: Sunbae can you show us the song early?

Han: Sorry we just finished practice.

Haewon: Y/-

Hyunjin: We should go.

Chan: Huh?

Changbin: Hes right come on Chan.

He seemed to pick on my discomfort and apologised to Lily and the rest of Nmixx before catching up with us.

Bangchan: You ok Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah Hyung I just still don't feel great being around her.

Haewon POV

My Y/n how dare you stop me from speaking to him. Y/n I know you still love me and I love you so dearly I'm sorry that I broke your heart before I know I messed up I didn't mean to kiss that stupid Enhyphen boy I don't even know his fucking name. But I will make it up to are the only one I want.

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