Best friends - Yeoreum WJSN

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Yeoreum: Y/n! 

I turned around in the corridor of the school to see my best friend running over to me once she reached me I was hugged tightly which I returned. We kept hugging until a male voice shouted my name. 

Sangyeon: Yah! Get off my girl Y/n. 

I had known Yeoreum since we were kids and we had always been close it didn't matter if one of us had a relationship we never failed to show our friendship through physical acts. It never had really been a problem since each of our past relationships were fine with it knowing how long we had known each other but Sangyeon way a lot less interested in out friendship and wanted Yeoreum for himself. She didn't realise just how toxic he was if she ever spoke to a guy he would threaten them to stay away from her and it was no different when he came to me the only difference is I didn't listen. 

Sangyeon: Yeoreum lets go to class.

He wrapped his arm over her shoulder before walking her to our class he looked back at me with a dark look before turning his attention back in front of him. I soon went to class and sat in my seat which lucky for me was next to him. 

Sangyeon: I've told you before Y/n stay the fuck away from Yeoreum.

Y/n: You know I don't fucking care what you say. She's my best friend and I'm not gonna stop talking to her because your a toxic piece of shit.

Sangyeon: Oh? Looks like I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson.

Y/n: Whatever.

As the day continued I spent time with my other friends while Sangyeon kept Yeoreum by his side. The school day had ended and I had finished with my club activities as I was walking out of the school I walked past a classroom when I heard come noises coming out of it. I peeked my head through the slightly closed door and what I saw infuriated me. I brought out my phone and recorded for a few seconds.

Sangyeon: You like that you dirty bitch? 

Girl: Ah~ Sangyeon!

Sangyeon: Fuck Miyeon you are so tight. 

Miyeon: Am I better than Yeoreum?

Sangyeon: That bitch wont even let me fuck her. 

Miyeon: You can fuck me whenever. I don't even get why you date her. 

Sangyeon: To ruin her. Innocent girl like her are the best to destroy. 

I was pissed off at what I heard. I stopped recording and headed out spotting Yeoreum by the front entrance. I grabbed her hand and started to pull her with me. 

Yeoreum: Huh? Y/n? I'm waiting for Sangyeon! 

Y/n: No you aren't Yeoreum I really need to speak with you its urgent. 

Yeoreum: Are you sure? Can I message Sangyeon? 

Y/n: You wont want to afterwards...

I took her home and when I entered her house her mum greeted me. 

Yeoreums mum: Why do you look so angry Y/n? 

Y/n: Yeoreums boyfriend is a fuck rat. 

Yeoreum: Y/n! 

Y/n: I brought you home so I can tell you. He is cheating on you! 

Yeoreum: No he isn't! 

Y/n: I just caught him! 

Yeoreum mum: Both of you calm down. Y/n please explain calmly. 

Y/n: I was coming out of school from my club and I heard noises coming from a classroom so I checked what it was and found him fucking another girl.

Yeoreum: D-do you have proof? 

Y/n: Yeah...I recorded a few seconds of it. 

Yeoreum mum: Let me see it. I don't want my baby to have to see it. 

I showed her the video and her face quickly turned to anger. 

Yeoreum mum: I never liked that boy anyway. Yeoreum please break up with him. Y/n please stay with her as well I've been cheated on in my past its good to have someone by your side.

Yeoreum began to tear up and ran to her room. I followed her up the stairs and knocked on her door. 

Y/n: Yeoreum please let me in...I know it hurts please let me try to help.

I heard her door unlock as she slowly opened it with tears covering her face. She looked me in the eyes before wrapping me in a hug. I rubbed her back to help calm her down while she held me tightly. 

Y/n: You are gonna be ok...I wont leave you Yeoreum I promise. 

I walked the two of us to her bed where we laid down and she soon fell asleep after tiring herself out and I soon joined her in sleeping I was woken up by Yeoreum hours later telling me that dinner was ready. I left her bed and once I did so she grabbed my hand tightly as she walked me downstairs. 

Yeoreum: I broke up with him...Over text. 

Y/n: Good job. You deserve better. 

She turned around at the bottom of the stairs and hugged me tightly. 

Yeoreum: Please stay with me at school...

Y/n: Of course I already promised not to leave you.

She buried her head into my chest for a few seconds before sitting at the table and making me sit beside her. After we ate I was going to leave until. 

Yeoreum: Please don't leave...

Yeoreum mum: You can stay Y/n. It must be lonely living alone you can stay with us for the night. 

Yeoreum: Please Y/n. 

Y/n: Alright. 

I made eye contact with Yeoreum as she smiled and held my hand. 

Yeoreums mum: Y/n we have spare clothes for you from last time you were here. 

Y/n: Thank you. 

She excitedly dragged me back to her bedroom and passed me my clothes. I was about to step out to change but she grabbed my shirt stopping me from leaving.

Yeoreum: You can change in here I don't mind. 

Y/n: O-Ok. 

I faced away from her as we both changed. 

Y/n: Have you changed? 

Yeoreum: Yeah. 

I turned around to see her sat on her bed waiting for me. 

Yeoreum: Come lay down with me. 

She patted the bed after she climbed under the blanket. I joined her under the blanket and once I did she snuggled up to me. 

Yeoreum: Thank you Y/n. I love having you by my side. 

Y/n: I love being by your side Yeoreum. 

I rolled onto my side and hugged her pulling her closer to me. 

Y/n: Goodnight Yeoreum. 

Yeoreum: Goodnight Y/n.

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