True Love - Bona

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Requested by user95886429


Y/n: (Another boring day of school.) 

I was brought out of my thoughts by my two loudest friends.

Jackson: Y/n! 

BamBam: How was your weekend? 

Y/n: Yah why are you even here.

Jackson: Can't we visit our sweet little brother~

Y/n: Call be your brother again and im breaking your jaw.

BamBam: Its a shame that you are a year younger than us. Still remember the time you save Jackson from a bully.

Jackson: Don't say that! 

Y/n: Yeah Bam didn't you forget that's his little secret~

Jackson: Don't you tease me as well! 

Y/n: Whatever. Shouldn't you two go back to your class now? Class is about to start.

BamBam: Oh shit Jackson lets go! 

As I watched them scurry out of the classroom our teacher began to walk in the class. I didn't really listen to what was being taught I just wanted it to be lunch. Soon my hope came to a reality as I headed for lunch I was ambushed on the way by a group of girls.

Eunseo: Y/n! Eat with us~ 

Y/n: Why? 

Exy: Come on Y/n you are in same class as Yeoreum, Dayoung and Yeonjung.

Y/n: So? 

Dayoung: Y/n please~ 

Yeoreum: Y/n~ 

Y/n: Alright fine just stop being annoying. 

As I walked with the girls to the cafeteria I noticed one of them was missing.

Y/n: Where's Bona? 

Luda: She's just dealing with some student council stuff then she will be here.

Soon enough Bona showed up and made her way over to us. The only seat that was left was next to me. Once she sat down I saw how the other girls looked at her as she sat. 

Seola: So how are you Bona? 

Bona: Im good. 

I couldn't help but stare at Bona I had always thought that she was pretty but I never really had the chance to look at her up close like this. 

Exy: Y/n~ If you keep staring she will melt.

Y/n: You are just jealous im not staring at you.

Eunseo: Oh he called you out.

Y/n: If im right you had a crush on me a few years ago.

I watched as Eunseo blushed at me calling me out.

Seola: Hes after everyone.

Y/n: Do you want me to go after you? 

Seola: Nope. 

Y/n: Ok~ Everyone remember when we were had a sleep over on Halloween and Seola claimed she wasn't scared. Well I woke up in the night when I felt her get into the same blanket with me. That's not all though she clung onto me like she was a koala. 

Seola: Y/n! 

Y/n: What? 

Seola: Shut up.

Y/n: Aww you don't need to get embarrassed.

Soon lunch had ended and I went back to my class alongside some of the girls. During the next class of the day I felt my pocket and found a note inside which read.

"Dear Y/n, I can't help but to have fallen in love with you I wish to have the chance to tell you in person but I don't know if I have the courage. Now that you have learnt of my feelings from this letter I will be on the rooftop after school today if you want to see who has these feelings for you please meet me there Y/n. I love you."

I couldn't concentrate for the rest of the time classes were held once the bell went to signify the end of class I grabbed my bag and headed to the roof. It took me a few minutes to get there and once I opened the door and stepped up I found no one. I stepped further out onto the roof as the door swung shut behind me. 

Y/n: Did they not get here yet?  

I waited for a few minutes however due to my impatience I was struggling to stay for much longer. However I didn't need to stay much longer as I heard the door swing open and heard a girl panting trying to catch her breathe. 

Y/n: Hi Bona. 

Bona: Im so sorry! There was sudden emergency with the student council! 

Y/n: Im here aren't I.

Bona: So you saw the letter...

Y/n: I want you to say it before I tell you my answer to your confession. 

Bona: Say what? 

Y/n: Its three words and eight letters. Bona you are smart you can figure it out. 

Bona: I...I...I love you! 

I watched as she held her eyes shut while she waited for my answer. I walked over to her and wrapped her into a soft embrace. 

Y/n: Open your eyes you idiot. 

Once she opened her eyes and looked up at me I leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss that lasted a few seconds before pulling away.

Y/n: I love you too dumbass.

I watched as she turned a deep red and sunk her face into my chest while she calmed down. After a few minutes of our hug she pulled away before looking at me with a big smile. 

Bona: Can you maybe kiss me again? I mean you don- 

I cut her off as I reconnected our lips which surprised her at first but she then wrapped her arms around the back of my neck deepening our kiss. After a minute or so of our kiss we pulled away.

Bona: Y/n come with me! 

Y/n: Where? 

Bona: You will find out come on lets go! 

I couldn't help but giggle at my now girlfriend bouncing up and down out of excitement. She ended up pulling me all the way to her house and once she opened the door I saw all the other girls in there clearly nervous when they saw Bona enter first only to be happy once they saw me with her. 


I watched as Bona ran to the other girls as they all embraced. 

Y/n: Did she just forget about me.

Luda: They are just excited for her. Congratulations by the way.

Y/n: Thanks. *Sigh* Can I have my girlfriend back now? 


I watched as all the girls turned to her and began to hit her with cushions. Bona walked back over to me and hugged me tightly. 

Bona: Eunseo don't say that my baby would never do something so inappropriate at least not until we have finished school.


Y/n: Yah. Eunseo you can have her if you really want.

Eunseo: Really? 

Y/n: Of course...not. 

Bona looked at me before pulling me down to her lips by my collar and kissed me passionately.

Eunseo: Ew~


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