Six Months Part 3 (S)

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Y/n: Manager nim~

Manager: Yeah? 

Y/n: Can you drop me off at Minjus apartment? 

Manger: Will she be awake its 2am? 

Y/n: I texted her just now and she wanted me to go over.

Manager: Alright.

Lee Know: Y/n ill take your stuff up for you when we get back to the dorm.

Y/n: Thank you hyung. 

We soon pulled up outside of her apartment and once I got out of the van I ran up excitedly until I was outside of her apartment. I knocked on her door and it swung open almost immediately as Minju pulled my head down and kissed me passionately. After a few minutes the two of us split away and I hugged her tightly. 

Y/n: I missed you.

Minju: I missed you so much more.

 She pulled me into her apartment and locked the door before kissing me again and pushing me to her sofa then straddling my hips. 

Minju: I love you Y/n. 

Y/n: I love you too Min.

Her hips started to grind against mine as she laid on me softly moaning. 

Minju: Y/n~ 

Y/n: M-Min?

Minju: I need you Y/n. 

Y/n: Are you sure Min? 

Minju: Please~ 

Y/n: Ok Min.

I pulled her up from my chest to my lips as I kissed her while flipping us over. Once I was over her I pulled my hoodie and shirt off before leaning back down to her and kissing her neck. 

Minju: Mm~ Y/n~ 

She pushed me away and sat up while she took off her shirt and then kneeled down infront of me. She slowly pulled my sweatpants down and did the same with my boxers letting my dick spring out and smack against her lips. 

Minju: It looks like you already want to be in my mouth. 

She bit her lip as she looked up at me and wrapped her hand around my base. 

Y/n: Please Min.

Minju: Please what? 

Y/n: Please suck my dick Min.

Minju: If that's what you want baby. 

I watched as she placed a gentle kiss on my tip which sent chills through my entire body. She then placed her lips around my tip and began to slowly take me deeper into her mouth.

Y/n: Min~

She slowly bobbed her head back and forth while using her hands to play with my balls creating more pleasure. 

Y/n: Its so good Min. 

She kept going for a few more minutes until she took my dick out of her mouth and began to unbutton her shorts. She turned around and swayed her hips as she lowered them down. I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her and placed them on her chest and started to play with them while placing kisses on her neck. 

Minju: Mm~ Do you like them? 

Y/n: I love them Min. I love every part of you. 

I played with her tits from behind while she pushed her ass against my dick. 

Minju: Y/n please can you put it in me? 

Y/n: Lets head to the bedroom Min. 

She turned around and kissed my lips as I placed my hands on the back of her thighs. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around me as I began to carry her to our bedroom. Once we reached the room I laid her down gently on the bed and took her panties off before kneeling down her legs as she spread them.

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