Left Behind - Heejin Loona

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Requested by  HEEJINapostropheS

Y/n: Heejin I'm home! 

Heejin: Hi.

I don't know why Heejin started acting cold to me. She has been like this for a few weeks now and I don't know what to do. 

Y/n: What do you want to eat baby? 

Heejin: Whatever I don't care Y/n...

She never calls me Y/n...what's wrong with her? 

Y/n: Are you feeling ok? 

Heejin: I'm fine. 

Y/n: Ok...

I made the two of us some food but the entire time we ate she kept looking at her phone. 

Y/n: Are...you guys having another comeback soon? 

Heejin: Don't know. 

We ended up eating in silence after my attempt to make conversation. The rest of the night went the same way when we would usually cuddle each other as we watched TV until she was tired. But now she was on the complete opposite end of the sofa as she didn't once look up from her phone to talk to me or even to look at me. 

Y/n: Heejin...

She didn't look or respond to me and just kept her attention on her phone.

Y/n: Jeon Heejin! 

She seemed shocked at my phone as her head darted up to me.

Heejin: Y-yeah? 

Y/n: Why are acting so cold to me why are you just staring at your phone why are you giving me answer with as minimal words a possible! Please tell me Heejin I love you so much and I feel like shit that you are acting like this for thee past week! 

I couldn't take it anymore I felt my emotions get the better of me as tears began to stream down my face.

Heejin: Y-y/n you see the thing is...

Y/n: What Heejin tell me. 

Heejin: I-I think that I um might have fallen out of love with you...

Y/n: What? 

Heejin: I don't know Y/n something just doesn't feel right anymore I don't have the spark. 

Y/n: Ah...In the morning I want you to pack all your things from my apartment and move back into your dorm...

Heejin: I understand Y/n I'm sorry...

Y/n: It's fine Heejin it happens.

I went to what once was our shared room and just sat on the edge of the bed. She lost the spark? Everything we had was great...


Heejin POV

I opened the door to my dorm and slowly walked in with my bags.

Kimlip: Heejin? I thought you were with Y/n for a few more days? 

Heejin: I-I broke up with him...like the company wanted...

Kimlip: Oh~ Heejin come here. 

The older girl came over and wrapped me in a hug. 

Kimlip: I know how much you like him. 

Heejin: Three years...and this stupid company just makes me throw it away...

Kimlip: You two will get another chance in life I'm sure of it.


Taeyong: Y/n you are pushing yourself too much. 

Y/n: Im fine Hyung.

Mark: No you aren't what's wrong? 

Y/n: I don't really want to talk about it...

Johnny: Y/n did something happen between you and Heejin? 

I tried to hold it back but I felt a tear fall from my eye. 

Mark: No way...

Taeyong didn't say anything but instead wrapped me in a comforting hug. Johnny rubbed my back as the three of them tried to comfort me. 


We had just come back and were nominated for first place but there was another group stood on the opposite side of the stage to us. Of course it was them it wouldn't make sense if it wasn't I couldn't lift my head up to look at her. The news of our breakup had blown up in kpop scene both fandoms knew we had been together for years but no one knew of the details around our breakup. We won but I just wanted to get off the stage. After out encore we headed back stage but on the way I saw her waiting for me. I felt myself stiffen up but Johnny wrapped his arm around my side as he led me past her. 

Heejin: Y/n...can we talk? Please! 

Johnny kept leading me away I wanted to talk to her but I wasn't ready to. I just wanted to hold her again hug her tightly as we lay comfortably. However that doesn't seem likely anymore. She is the only girl I have ever loved and very well could be the only one I do ever love. 


I was scheduled to appear on knowing bros for a special but of course she had to have the same schedule. It made things worse when we were put on a team together. After a difficultly shoot I wanted to just leave and go back but she stopped me of course she did...

Heejin: Y/n let's talk please. 

Y/n: Please just let me go Heejin. 

Heejin: I don't want to. 

Y/n: Heejin please let me go.

She wrapped her arms around me not letting me leave. 

Heejin: No please listen to me. 

Y/n: Heejin you already broke me I don't want to listen to you because I still can't get over you. 

Heejin: My company made us break up please let me try to fix it. 

Y/n: Fix your company? Heejin I love you but I don't think that is possible for your twisted company to get fixed. See you...

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