My Noona (S) - Exy

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Requested by  CerdanAlarilla


I can't help it. Why can't I stop myself from loving my sister? 

Exy: Bubba dinners ready! 

Hearing her voice I couldn't help but to blush slightly. I headed downstairs to see my sister wearing tight but comfortable clothing that only accented her curves. 

Exy: You are a little red are you ok? 

She walked over and placed a hand on my forehead. 

Y/n: I-I'm fine noona. 

Exy: Hmm ok. If you start feeling ill tell me.

Y/n: I will noona.

She smiled softly at me before hugging me.

Exy: Alright eat up before it gets cold.

After a few days I came home from college to see Exy noona working out in the middle of the living room. I stared at her curves from the kitchen before and once she turned around she smiled at me.

Exy: I didn't hear you come in boo. 

Y/n: I uh didn't want to disturb you so I was quiet.

Exy: You know that I don't mind you disturbing me. 

Y/n: I'm gonna get a shower noona. 

Exy: Ok. I'll take one after you. 


It had been a few minutes and I had finished my workout and was walking past the bathroom when I heard my name.

Y/n: Exy noona~ 

I looked to my side to see the bathroom door slightly open.

Exy: Y/n? 

I peeked my head inside to see him with his hand wrapped around dick. It felt so wrong for me to see but at the same time I couldn't look away.

Y/n: Noona~ Why are you so pretty~?

I watched the entire time to say I loved Y/n was a bit of an understatement but. I can't he's my brother.

Y/n: N-Noona~! 

I watched as he came and shot his stuff out onto the floor of the shower. I felt something in me as I felt a wave of lust flow through my body. I successfully managed to fight it off and walk away from his door as I watched his figure for for the last time. Once it was my turn to shower I stood frozen inside and thought about exactly where his stood where he jerked off while name. My hand had founds it way to my core that was surprisingly wet.

Exy: No he's my brother I-I need to stop thinking about it.


Days had passed but I still found myself thinking about what I had seen Y/n do in the bathroom.

Y/n: Noona? 

Exy: Yeah? W-What's up little bro? 

Y/n: Have I done something to upset you? 

Exy: What no why would you think that? 

Y/n: Well uh you haven't really spoken to me the past few days. Whenever I have spoken to you I only get yes or no answers. And you also just called me little bro when you usually call me by name or bubba or sometimes boo...You can tell me if I have done something to upset you. 

I grabbed his hands and pulled him into me hugging him tightly.

Exy: I'm sorry I made you feel like that. You have done nothing wrong Y/n. I promise you that you have done nothing wrong I have just been thinking of something and its been on my mind a lot.

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