Six Months Part 1 - Minju

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Its been six months since I met her. I had made my way up to her apartment and knocked on the door anxiously waiting for her to answer. Once the door opened I saw her. Kim Minju in all of her angelic beauty. I couldn't keep my eyes from wandering over her beautiful curves from her hips up to her chest and then to the smile that I dreamed of.

Minju: Y/n!

She quickly came out and hugged me tightly once she saw me and once she pulled away she held my hands and guided me inside. We were introduced through Lee Know he was ill one time and as his junior I filled in for him and fell for Minju. I had always liked her I always made sure to watch produce 48 while it was on and always voted for her which made my hyungs laugh...


Bangchan: Y/n breaks over come on.

Y/n: Just a few more minutes hyung.

Changbin: Let him finish the episode Chan its got like five mins left.

Bangchan: Alright but Y/n you better put everything into practice afterwards.

Y/n: Of course hyung!

Han: Our makane has a crush~

Bangchan: Let him be Han we have all had crushes.

Flashback End

Once inside Minjus apartment she closed the door behind me before hugging me once again.

Minju: Thank you for coming.

Y/n: Of course noona. I love yo- spending time with you.

Minju: I love our time together too.

I sat with her on the sofa inside the apartment and she grabbed the tv remote before joining me.

Minju: I picked a horror movie I hope you don't mind.

Y/n: Not at all it was your turn to pick anyway.

She showed me her perfect smile once more before starting up the movie and getting comfy under a blanket. I looked over to her and she met my gaze before lifting up the side of the blanket showing off her thighs that were revealed thanks to her shorts.

Minju: Do you wanna share the blanket?

Y/n: Y-Yeah.

We both moved closer together until I could feel our legs touching and she covered me with the blanket.

Minju: There we go.

Her tone was so caring it made me blush. Thankfully she turned off the lights in the apartment so that the only light was emitting from the TV. While the movie continued Minju kept jumping and getting closer to me until she was hugging my chest and had her leg over my own while she clutched onto my shirt close enough for me to get the full smell of the sweet autumn sent that radiated off her. I wasn't even paying attention to the movie anymore I was too obsessed with the girl laying on me.

Minju: AH!

With a jump scare happening she climbed further onto me now fully on my lap and had her arms wrapped around my neck with her head snuggled into my neck.

Y/n: (Just stay calm. Please don't make things awkward.)

I felt my body fighting my thoughts as I could feel my smaller friend waking up.

Y/n: (Oh fuck not now.) N-Noona I-I don't think you need to be on top of me...

Minju: I'm sorry Y/n/n but its a lot scarier than I thought.

Y/n: W-We can turn it off if you want to.

Minju: No its good. I just need you to hold me then I can get through it.

Y/n: I-I'll hold you noona. C-Can you just climb off my lap?

I felt Minju shake her head and let out a cute moan in complaint.

Minju: I like you holding me like this I can feel your body heat it makes me comfortable.

Y/n: (You will be feeling something else if you keep on top of me) Y-You can feel my body heat without being on top of me.

Minju: You promise?

I looked down at her as she looked me in the eye with innocent look.

Y/n: Mhm. I promise noona.

She climbed off of my lap just in time and then cuddled my side as I wrapped my arms around her. For the remainder of the movie she kept shuffling around making herself comfortable in her arms. I was able to pay more attention to the movie which calmed my little friend down. Once the movie finished neither of us made any attempt to move. We were both comfortable being in each others company.

Minju: Y/n can you stay here tonight?

Y/n: W-Why noona?

Minju: Promise not to laugh?

Y/n: I promise Min noona.

Minju: I'm scared I will get nightmares.

Y/n: Let me check with Chan hyung.

After a couple of messages were exchanged between me and Bangchan I was able to stay making me fill with joy on the inside and smile on the outside.

Y/n: I can stay noona.

I felt her hug get tighter around me.

Minju: Good...that makes me happy.

Off instincts my arms wrapped around her as I moved to lay down with her on top of me.

Minju: Y/n/n I'm feeling sleepy...

Y/n: Do you wanna go to bed? I'll sleep here.

Minju: No I can't have that. Share my bed with me. I'll go get changed and then I will invite you in. You are in sweats anyway so it will be comfortable for you to sleep in.

Y/n: O-Ok noona. (Is this real? I-I'm going to be sleeping with Minju noona? The girl I love just invited me to sleep in the same bed as her...I need to calm down...Is that even possible to do?)

I didn't even realise that she left while I was in my thoughts and ended up staying still until I heard Minju shout from her room.

Minju: I'm ready Y/n come get comfy!

I took my hoodie off before heading to Minjus room with blush coating my cheeks. Once I made it inside her room I was greeted by her green silk pajamas which only made her cuter.

Minju: Turn of the light and get in.

I did as she asked as the room was only getting light from the lamp on her bedside table. I slowly climbed into the bed keeping some distance with her as she turned off the lamp.

Minju: Goodnight Y/n/n~

Y/n: Goodnight Min noona.

I couldn't sleep due to my thoughts going crazy but I soon heard Minjus soft snores as she slept peacefully.

Y/n: I love you noona...

I closed my eyes and soon felt myself dozing off while remembering the first time that I met Minju.

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