My Valentine (S)

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Dating an idol can be difficult living with one can be even harder. A few days a year she comes home on time the rest of the time she's later than she says. I don't mind I love her no matter what. I just hope that she will be home for valentines. 

Yunjin: Y/n/n I'm home! 

I left the kitchen and went towards he and once she saw me I was tackled into a hug by the giggly girl. 

Yunjin: I missed you~ 

Y/n: I missed you too Jen...Hey baby. 

Yunjin: Hm? 

Y/n: Go shower you stink. 

Yunjin: Hey! 

Y/n: I'll make dinner for you. 

Yunjin: Ok.

She walked off to shower as I returned to the kitchen to cook. After she ate I went with her to our bedroom and got ready for bed she came in a minute later after she got ready for bed and quickly snuggled up to me. 

Y/n: Jen when is your next break? 

Yunjin: Im not sure. 

Y/n: Ok...

I held her tightly as we both went to sleep. 

Yunjin POV

Chaewon: What are you doing for Y/n on valentines? 

Yunjin: I didn't tell him I had the day off I'm going to surprise him I even bought special underwear. 

Eunchae: What's special underwear? 

Sakura: Its nothing Eunchae. Can you come with me to get some drinks? 

Eunchae: Huh? Ok! 

I watched as Sakura lead Eunchae out of the room. 

Chaewon: We probably shouldn't speak about it when she's around. 

Yunjin: Agreed.

Kazuha: Unnie you better be good to Y/n. 

Yunjin: I always am.

Kazuha: Good because if not we might steal him away.

Yunjin: Yah! He's my boyfriend! 

Chaewon: Look after him then.


Yunjin stayed at their dorm last night. Its valentines and she probably doesn't even realise. She's so busy...I can't complain im proud of her. Should I send her a message? Make her some food and take it to her? 

*Knock* *Knock* 

I went to the front door and opened it only to instantly catch the girl who jumped on me. 

Yunjin: Happy valentines baby boy. I'm all yours today. 

She captured my lips the second she finished talking. I managed to close the door with my foot and then turned around and walked her to the sofa before dropping her down. 

Yunjin: Come on baby take me I'm all yours. 

I threw my shirt off before I kissed her and slowly pulled hers away. She then leaned up and kissed my abs as she removed her skirt. My eyes widened looking at her matching bra and panties. 

Yunjin: Do you like them baby? I picked it out just for you.

A red lingerie bra with love heart shaped gaps over her nipples and then the red laced panties that are shaped like a heart. 

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