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I'm currently watching TV in the living room. I wanted to see Yeji today but at the same time I didn't. I've never felt that kind of contradicting feelings before.

A strange man exits Felix's room.

"Hey, Ryujin" he greets me and I can't stop staring at him. I don't mean to. I just completely forgot that Felix brought someone home last night.

"Do you not remember me? We met last night?" He awkwardly laughs.

"I remember you but I don't remember your name but I did hear you and Felix last night. It sounds like you were fighting" I say and his face turns pink. Kind of similar to when Yeji's face turned pink before.

"I'm sorry about that. I thought we were pretty quiet."

"It's okay" I shrug my shoulders, "I'm used to it."

"Okay, that's enough. I don't know what you were talking about but Binnie, don't listen to everything Ryujin said" Felix is out of his room now too.

"Uhm okay. I'll see you later" the strange man kisses Felix then waves good bye to me.

"I'm surprised you didn't want to go to the bar today" Felix sits next to me as soon as his Binnie left.

"You wanna talk about what happened yesterday? Chan said you left the bar, looking upset" he continues to speak but I don't acknowledge him. I continue watching my show.

"Ryujin, pay attention to me" he starts whining.

"If you don't pay attention to me then I'm gonna get your towels and wash them all together" he threatens and it works.

"Fine. Yeji said some stuff about me and it kind of made me upset" I share with him.

"Who's Yeji?" He ask and I cover my mouth after realizing that I just shared Lucy's real name without her permission.

"Lucy's real name. Now I have to apologize to her for sharing her real name without asking if it's okay first" I sadly exhale.

"Okay but what did she say?" Felix ask and I'm here wondering why he's not reacting to learning about Lucy's real name.

I move on because maybe it's not a big deal for him to learn Lucy's real name.

"She called me a child and naive" I say and he frowns.

"And that upset you? Since when? I can understand the naive part but the child part? You even call yourself our child" he says, trying to understand why I'm upset.

To be honest, I don't know either. I didn't like it when she called me those things but normally it won't bother me this long. I thought I would forget about it by this morning but I'm still bothered by it.

"I don't know. I don't want her to think of me as a child. It's different with you and Chan. You did practically raised me. She didn't. How did we go from strangers to friends to strangers so fast?" I ask.

"This is a new side to you. Is it possible that you don't want Yeji to see you as a child because it would mean she would never develop romantic feelings for you?"

"Where did romantic feelings come from? I just don't want her to think of me as a child. I gave her a keychain. A child can't make a cool keychain like that. Their hands are too tiny" I pout.

He laughs and he leans back, "You should talk to her still. Friends get upset with each other but they also talk to each other so they fix whatever problem they're having. Besides, you need to apologize for sharing her name with me."

"Curse my inability to hide secrets from you" I form a fist by my face.

"But Ryujin, why are you so against having romantic feelings towards anyone? I have to admit when you said you were interested in Yeji, I thought maybe you were opening up to the idea. I understand if you want to take your time to find someone and we're not forcing you but it doesn't seem like you want it at all" he looks at me seriously now.

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