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"Ryujin, eat your food. You can't keep staring at Yeji" Felix snaps his fingers in front of me.

"Why not? She's so hardworking and she looks cute because she smiles a lot when greeting the guests" I say.

Now that I've accepted the fact that I have feelings for Yeji, I can't seem to stop thinking about her. I get this warm feeling whenever I see her and I like warm things.

After our food arrived, Yeji had to go back to work even though I didn't like the idea, I knew she had to but I miss her being next to me already.

It's crazy to me how I thought I wasn't capable of having feelings for someone but now I'm here missing my someone even when she's right in front of me.

"Yeji won't be happy if you don't eat. Do you want me to tell her you're not eating?" Chan uses the same voice when he's threatening to tell my mom that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

I squint my eyes at him, trying to read his face but I don't know what I'm looking for.

"Fine" I say.

I start eating my food while still keeping an eye on Yeji. I can't help it. She just captivates me. She lures me in. Just like the first day I saw her, I want to get to know her more.

"I didn't know Ryujin would be like this when she likes someone. It's really weird and cute to see" I hear Felix try to whisper to Chan.

"It's her first time so its understandable she wants to be with Yeji all the time" Chan whispers back.

I don't understand why they always whisper when I'm around. Just because I ignore them, it doesn't mean I don't hear them. They like to talk about Yeji and me. Maybe we're the it couple of the year. I internally laugh at my silliness.

"I really like Yeji" I share with them and Felix chokes. He does that a lot. I think he should get his throat checked. I heard Binnie mention something about his throat before but I forgot what he said. Maybe Felix chokes around him a lot too. I should ask him about it so we can talk to Felix about possibly seeing a doctor for his throat issue.

Chan glares at Felix before looking at me with his soft expression.

"That's a bit random. Any particular reason why you felt the need to share that?" He ask.

I watch Yeji again, "I don't know. I really don't know or understand why I'm so drawn to her. I thought it was the friendship thing but it wasn't. Yeji is so beautiful, inside and out. I really like how she's not afraid to admit when she's wrong. I just seem to like everything about her and that's never happened before. There's always things about people that somewhat bugs me but I don't have that with her."

"Wait a minute" Felix gets my attention again.

"What's something about us that bugs you?" He anticipates for my answer.

"You can be smelly and Chan sometimes breathes too loud" I answer right away.

"What?" They both say but I ignore them.

"What about your parents then?" Chan ask now.

"My mom scolds me too much and my dad shares his poop with me" I say.

"Damn" Felix chuckles.

"Why haven't you mentioned my breathing before if it bugged you?" I guess Chan is not done asking questions.

"Because I can't just tell you to stop breathing. You and Felix are my best friends so I've accepted the smell and the breathing. Those things slightly bugs me but they also make me feel happy because when I smell Felix and I hear you then I know you two are alive and well" I give them a small smile.

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