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I'm in the car with Felix since he's the one taking me home. Ryujin wanted to go but Chan told her no because she has to wake up early tomorrow.

I still find it weird that they're more like her parents than her friends at times but I'm getting used to it.

After spending time with Ryujin today, I thought that maybe I can be with her. I think I can take care of her and I can be patient. I feel like whenever she will hug me or hold my hand then it will make whatever struggle I may feel be worth it.

Also the fact that she was willing to take care of me when she thought I was sick is probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever attempted to do for me. Even if she wasn't sure what to do, she still looked up how to take care of someone sick.

I learned more things about Ryujin today too. It hurts me to think that she sees herself in a negative light and she sometimes feels like she doesn't deserve the life that she has.

"So what's gonna happen between you and Ryujin?" Felix ask while he focuses on the road.

I glance at him then I look straight ahead too, "I don't know. I like how she makes me feel."

"Why were you guys freaking out so much when we hugged?" I ask.

"It took us years to be able to hug Ryujin so seeing her hug someone that she hasn't known that long is a big deal for us. Sorry if we were a bit invasive during your time with her" he laughs.

"It's okay. Can I ask something though? It might be too much but I want to know your personal thoughts" I nervously say.

"Sure?" He says without knowing what to expect.

"Do you think that Ryujin is capable of loving someone in a more than just a friend kind of way?" I ask.

He takes a moment to think about it.

"I've always been a believer that Ryujin can. Chan is not sure and even her parents aren't sure but they're hopeful. They want her to find love and find someone who will love her unconditionally. But me, I don't have a single doubt that she can love someone."

"What makes you so sure?" I become curious.

"Because she's still human and love is a natural emotion that we experience. I think the reason why she's never found love is because not until recently, she never went out. She goes to her parents and her doctors, that's it. She doesn't meet new people. She went to the place you work at because we begged her. She saw you and became interested when she wanted to apologize to your friend. This is the first time she's met people in a very long time."

"Now, do I think she will recognize if she starts loving someone? Then probably not. Because she thinks that she's not capable of loving someone. She thinks that no one will love her because of how she is. She's aware that she's different but it's not something she can control so I think she's accepted that no one will want her" he adds and hearing that makes me sad.

"How do you and Chan do it? Have the patience to take care of her? I'm sure it's not easy" I say.

"I know you probably think that we treat Ryujin as a kid and at times we might be doing that but we can't help it. We do it because we want to, not because its something we need to do. We love hanging out with her and we love seeing her smiling so we do everything we can to keep that smile on her face. We've seen her broken and we don't want to see that ever again" I look at him and I see a smile on his face.

He stops the car since were at my apartment already.

"Thank you for the ride" I get ready to get out of his car.

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