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We're at Ryujin's country club and it's not what I expected at all. I thought people were going to be rude and act like they're better than everyone else but it's a friendly atmosphere. Ryujin doesn't speak a lot or interact with people, she's mainly just following her parents around. 

It does look like there's some sort of party going on though.

"Mom, can I play golf since we're already here? I don't want to be around your friends because they ask unnecessary questions like how I'm doing or what have I been up to. I don't really think it's any of their business" Ryujin asks and I'm a bit surprised but at the same time I'm not. I just would never openly say things like that, especially since those people she's talking about can probably hear her. 

"Of course but eat first before you go" Mrs. Shin shows her warm smile. 

"Okay" Ryujin doesn't argue with her. 

She takes my hand and she pulls me towards the food. It's a buffet style setup where there are different areas for the type of food. There's even a dessert station. 

"Is the food free?" I whisper to Ryujin. 

"For the members and their guests. At least that's what I think because no one has ever tried to stop me before but maybe they just know better than to mess with me and my food. Although, I still find it odd that my mom allows me to consume this type of food. She's so confusing with her rules of what I should and shouldn't eat" She rambles and I just chuckle. 

She hands me a plate and I think that small gesture is sweet.

"What are you in the mood for? They have beef, chicken, pork, fish and they even have a salad bar. I don't see why anyone would choose the salad bar over the abundance of food choices here but I guess if you don't eat meat then the salad bar is pretty handy. Do you want a salad?" She asks.

"Is everything alright? You seem to be more talkative right now?" I question her. She usually does ramble a bit but I think maybe something else is going on. 

"I am. Just having this many people around makes me anxious but it's okay because you're here. I think I can endure anything as long as you're with me" she smiles at me. 

"I love you" I say because she always finds a way to make me want to say that I love her. I love how she's not afraid to express how much I mean to her. 

"I love you too" her smile grow bigger. 

"Ryujin, have you thought about going on a trip with just the two of us?" she looks at the plate in her hand before looking back at me. 

I laugh a little, "Let's get food first then we can talk about it."

"Okay" she leaves me now to grab the food that she likes. 

I follow her while getting food for myself. Ryujin finishes first and she waits for me at the area where we grabbed our plates so I try to finish up as fast as I can even though she's not rushing me. I just know that she probably wants to start eating right now. This is one of the things that I do appreciate about Ryujin. She could leave me here and find a table so she can start eating but she's waiting for me instead. This gesture might be common for other couples or it's just common sense to wait for your partner but it's not for Ryujin. This is something she had to tell herself to do, it's not something that comes naturally to her. 

Once I'm done, we find a table to sit at. She picks one that's near a giant window with a view of the golf course.

"Are you excited to play?" I ask as we sit down.

"Yea, it's been a while since I played here because it's kind of far from my place. To me, it just doesn't feel like it's worth the trip even with the nice course" she starts eating right away.

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