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I stretch out my arm while yawning. With my eyes still closed, I don't feel anyone next to me so Jinni must be awake already.

I sit up and rub my eyes because I'm not ready for today. I sigh as I sit up to get out of bed. I have my head hanging low and taking deep breaths.

I finally open my eyes, "What the fuck?" I jump a little after seeing Ryujin standing by the foot of the bed.

I look around and I'm in Ryujin's room then everything from last night comes to mind. I forgot I spent the night here with Ryujin.

"I didn't mean to scare you but I didn't know if what you were doing was a morning routine or not so I didn't want to interrupt" She's holding a tray with a glass of water and a bowl of something.

She walks to my side and she places the tray in front of me.

"I don't cook so I got you cereal and a glass of water. It's all we have for drinks unless you wanted milk but I didn't think you would since the cereal has milk" she stands straight with her hands behind her back.

"It's okay. Thank you. I appreciate this but what time did you wake up? Shouldn't you rest some more? You just back from the hospital yesterday" I worry about her.

"I'm okay. This is the usual time I woke up for the past week so my body is used to it. I did already tell Beomgyu that I needed you today so you won't make it work. He just sent me back a thumbs up emoji so I think you're all good unless thumbs up means something new that I don't know about" she sits down next to me and I scoot towards the center of the bed to give her more room.

"How did you sleep?" She ask.

"I should be asking these questions to you. You're the one that was away" I chuckle while shaking my head.

"Away? The hospital is right in town. That's not away. Away is if I went to a different town or even country" she seriously says.

"I mean, I didn't see you for a week so I don't know how you were doing so I don't know if you rested well or if you ate well. Considering how things went the last time I saw you, it makes sense for me to be worried if you're doing well" I explain.

When I found out that she was going home yesterday, I called Beomgyu right away. I guess there's some benefits to having Beomgyu and Ryujin be related because he's very generous and understanding when it comes to Ryujin.

"You're worried? I think that's what you're trying to show, right?" She looks like she's in deep thought.

I set the tray to the side and she watches me do it with a frown on her face.

"What?" I ask instead of saying of something else.

"Your cereal is getting soggy. Give me your bowl, I'll give you fresh cereal" she tries to reach for my bowl but I stop her.

"I'll still eat it" I smile.

"Just sit next to me, okay?" I grab the tray again because I completely forgot what I was gonna say before she brought up soggy cereal.

I start eating the cereal while she just watches me with kind of a disgusted look. I'm guessing that it's because of the cereal and not my face.

"How can you eat soggy cereal? It loses all the flavor and it's soggy!?" I've never seen anyone be this passionate about cereals.

"It's a waste to not eat it just because it got soggy. Besides, it was my fault for not eating it right away."

"You always make so much sense" she relaxes her face now.

I finish my cereal and drink the glass of water she gave me. Once she sees I'm done, she quickly takes the tray off me and set it on the floor.

"What do you wanna do today?" I ask.

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