Chapter 3:- the one of a kind stranger (NEW)

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Words- 3298.

Song:- Kelly Clarkson broken and beautiful.

Legacy's P.O.V

"A f*cking warehouse?! I pretty much serve him his mate and THE PRINCESS on a silver platter and he takes her to where...a f*cking warehouse" I growled out, pacing the line of his territory, warehouse just in sight.

I heard slight movement behind me making me look over my shoulder to where max and Mia laid under a near by tree.

Max however had sat up "you brought him here? And just gave her to him? Are you stupid?" He growl.

I face my body to him fully, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"Watch how you speak to me there son, you forget your place-" to my surprise he cuts me off again.

"By her side? Isn't that what you told us to do 'stay and protect her at all times when possible without giving ourselves away' that's what you said" he says.

Yeah...I did say that.

I was silent for a moment knowing the boy was right before I looked down at mia who was oddly quiet.

She was staring at the warehouse, ears twitching every now and then.

"What is your opinion on this?" I asked her, with her eyes still on my warehouse she answered me.

"That this was all to overdue but before you get angry at the man you gave iris to, try to understand change is coming-"

I knew that, hence why I brought the boy! I am however surprised she knows it.

She stood up and walked closer to the edge of the line.

"It's in the air, everywhere is getting lighter. What once was covered in darkness is beginning to get light, the forest knows it, nature knows it hell the whole supernatural kingdom can sense it-" then she looked at me.

"So either trust the man you threw iris in the arms off or grow a pair and end this all now by admitting the truth"

It was silence for a moment as I looked away from the two young wolves and at the place iris is being kept.

I lean against the nearby tree "it would be easier wouldn't it, to just 'end this now by admitting the truth' except, you young ones will not understand yet-" once again I looked at the two, who now sat side by side "-everything has a plan, everything has to happen a certain way or it all fall to shit. She falls to nothing.

It's easier to say end this then actually look at the work that's got to be done, but if you love someone. You let them go or at least grow before you blow their world up and tell her everything is a lie" I say.

When I get no reply I turn and start walking away from them.

"Where are you going?" Max asked, without looking at them I call back.

"Look after her, your task is still the same. You appear when she needs you and you don't leave her side; keep me posted on everything I'll be back in a few days"

"Where are you going my king?" Mia shots out causing me to look at her, her whole face held worry.

"I have a something to do, look after her" then I left them there.

Looking at the warehouse one last time.

You better know what your doing to my girl boy!

Iris's P.O.V

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now