Chapter 30: Heated Nights (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 5057.

Song- Bryan Adams everything I do (do it for you).

Oscar's P.O.V

It had been two nights now.

Two nights of complete and absolute hell.

I could sense my mate with every inch of my body, every sense Inside me seemed on high alert.

I felt like I was going insane.

I had successfully managed to control myself these last two night, but each second that passed I was being to lose control over Gabriel.

He became completely restless, and I was starting to lose my grips on him.

I was on edge and all because my mate was in heat, calling me to claim her as mine.

And I wanted to god I wanted to, I just didn't know how much of this was the heat talking and how much of this was her.

Us mating is a big thing, a huge step for us and the last thing I want is for her to regret it after.

I pain runs through my head causing me to put my head in my hands for a minute.

'your not the only one suffering Gabriel!' I snapped only to get him growling back at me.

'Then f*cking end this!'


A painful groan leaves my mouth as for the hundredth time my body suddenly feels like it's burning, sweat builds on my forehead.

I turn my head to look behind me and there he stood. Gabriel in all his angry glory.

I narrow my eyes as I stand up and face him.

"How many times a you going to f*cling do this to us?" I growl.

I didn't expect his reply, he suddenly walks towards me and angrily punches me full pelt in the face. My body hits the ground like a sack of potatoes.

I didn't even attempt to get up, I laid there feeling sorry for myself as he leans over me.

'until you f*cling end this! Our women is right upstairs, calling us! Calling me and your being a pûssy. For months we've dreamed of this! MONTHS. Now we have the opportunity your going to cower. F*CK you' he snaps before walking out and up the stairs.

I let out a huff and look up at the ceiling, maybe I am acting like a bitch. But I have this feeling deep inside me that's telling me theres something we don't know.

Something else she's hiding, I've sensed it for ages now and it's only getting stronger.

I don't get what there could be that she hasn't told me, but if there is something....and she hasn't told me about it. Surely it means it's that bad right?

Which means if it is that bad, then I can't rush her into this type of thing incase she's triggered or worse, scared away.

She doesn't realise that once we mate and we've marked each other, we'll be able to see everything about each other. There will be no secrets anymore.

If one of us feels something, so will the other. We'll dream the same dreams, hear each others thoughts.

We will be one. Forever.

I don't think she realises that and I refuse to lose her again.

I heard the front door open causing my head to snap up, instantly legacy and Phil comes into view.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now