Chapter 2:- when their world's collided (NEW)

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Words- 2345.

Song:- Ellie Goulding explosion.


it was when i heard footsteps begin to follow me and a bad feeling began to build in my stomach.

something bad was going to happen! and all i could seem to think of is.

why is it always me?!.


Oscar's P.O.V (from the moment he chased legacy up until present, then it will go into iris pov to show you her side)

I wasn't expecting anything to happen today and as weird as it sounds I could not stop my excitement from building The moment that scent crossed my territory.

Another lycan? Impossible.

There was four blood family's who were the only original lycans.

The other three families died out and im the only sane one from mine, kind of.

Or at least they were meant to of been dead.

Now you know why Im so interested, now you understand that from the moment I was sat at my desk sorting through pack and that scent hit my nose.

I injected myself with our tracker- being the only lycan in my pack- and I chased after this unknown male who thought he could cross my lands.

Surprisingly, he outran me and led me to this small ran down town. I would have turned back and just left to go home.

He was off my land he wasn't my problem now, then the most mouth watering scent filled my nose

Stopping my beast and me in my tracks and for the first time ever I felt emotions stir inside my wolf.

I look around, noticing how strong her scent was around here. She was here.

Surely this could not be right, it couldn't be my-

I shift back into my human form and after taking in everything around me, I pull out my phone and I call the boys.

After the first ring the phone was picked up and before anyone could speak, I said.

"Use the tracker to find me and get here quick, theres something in this town we need to find"

Werewolves yes, lycans like me? No.

They were normal wolves which means if they travelled here as their wolves it would take them probably a week.

Which means being the smart men they are, they'll bring the cars.

After I spoke I hung up and the scent just seemed to invade my body.

It made my beast restless, made me almost lose control. I let out a sudden howl, before I walk around the woods following the scent.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a second, when I opened them a faint pink colour floated in the air.

Being a lycan has its pros and when your supposedly the last living one you tend to teach yourself to unlock your true powers.

Most of them anyway, the rest of my true power I will not get until I find my mate.

A con to being a lycan, your destined to someone for life. Like a phoenix.

Until you find them you cannot unlock your true powers and lycans have a few.

As I said there were four original lycan families, each had their very own special gift and a source they could draw the powers from.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now