Chapter 8: When She Left Them Speechless (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 5400 (and just know I'm may not update for a couple days now because this one killed me!)

Song:- birdie skinny love.

Oscar's P.O.V

Kyle drove a car we had brought to us home for some reason I couldn't bring myself to even put her down.

I was currently in the back of the car leaning back against the side of the chair and the door whilst iris was still on my chest.

I've sat like this the whole car ride so she was comfortable and felt like she was laying down.

In no time she had fallen asleep with her head on my chest listening to my heart.

Her fingers were tapping on my chest to the rhythm that my heart was beating, after a moment it stopped and I knew she was asleep.

Which allows me to think about everything.

For starters how good she felt laying against me, god it felt so right.

Another thought was how beautiful her name was iris which only seemed to add more confirmation to my theory.

Her name was iris, I'm not sure if her last name but here why this interests me because the missing princess's (who would now be queen) name is iris Maxwell.

I was brought from my thoughts when iris makes a small noise, I look down at her adjusting her so I can see her face.

A slight frown covered her features which only caused a frown to cover mine, without realising it my hand lifts on its own and slowly and gently soothes out the frown crease. I then move my hand down to her cheek and gently whip it with my thumb.

Some dirt came off her face showing a small but of skin underneath and a bit of purple could be seen as well.

"I've never seen you so gentle with anyone" Kyle's voice rings out, I don't even move my eyes away from her as I shoot him my reply.

"Fuck off"

Her breathing that seemed to pick up moments ago started to calm down causing me to relax again.

She needs all this mud off her, it must feel horrible and uncomfortable being covering in all of that.

She definitely needs more food, as much as she wants.

Clothes because the things she's wearing definitely does not fit her at all. She could even do with a new cloak.

Let's not forget the most important thing she's going to need to be checked up by a doctor.

I need to know if anything is wrong with her, what has happened to her.

I need to know everything I possibly can about this beautiful goddess, I try and keep my anger at bay whilst I had her close to me but It was hard to control myself when all I could think about if everything she could have been put through.

The more I looked at this girl the more I felt something stir in me, something awaken and I knew no matter what it meant I had to do I would always keep her safe.

I send a mind link to our pack doctor and also my uncle Phil, I always like to plan ahead.

'phil, I need you to go to the house I've got someone I need you to look at and... I need Lexi, go to her and tell her no more hiding I need her help'

He replied back with a of course no question asked.

The journey was taking forever but the whole time I watched over her whilst trying to ignore everyone's eyes on me.
We pulled up to the house finally. I raise my eye brow when Christian turns to look at me.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now