Chapter 17: Being Human (REWRITTEN/ NEW)

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Words:- 4719

Song- nightcore only human.

Oscar's P.O.V

Flash back.
I stared at the small cabin in disbelief before giving legacy a funny look "a cabin? In the woods could this be anymore ironic"

I was surprised when I heard him let out a chuckle "I thought the same thing the first time I found it, well it found me"

His statement caused me to raise an eye brow, he must have noticed my face because he looks at me and says.

"You don't find this witch we're looking for boy, she finds us" his statement caused shock to run through me.

I look back at the cabin, a sudden feeling of dizziness comes over me and it's almost like I could hear a faint voice calling me.

"You can hear her, can't you?" Legacys voice sounded smug.

All I could do was nod, my body carrying me towards the door.

I heard legacy behind me, as we approach the door it slowly opens on its own.

I stop Infront of it however, seconds later my body was pushed threw the door causing me to look back at him with narrowed eyes.

Once I was inside I stood still as legacy walks into the middle of the room looking around.

"Genevieve!" He calls out.

I looked around and I swear all I did was blink and suddenly there was a red headed women Infront of me.

I stare at her stunned yet unable to move as she lifts her hand and places it on my face.

I stare at her stunned yet unable to move as she lifts her hand and places it on my face

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Who was this women and why was she touching me?

Why can't I move?

I felt my eyes flash yellow, black them blue for a moment they felt as if they burnt so I close them for a second.

"Gene" legacy's voice sounded so soft as she turns and looked at him and gave him the sweetest smile.

"I knew you was coming" she tells him causing him to laugh.

"Of course you did, that why you found me. Otherwise I'd still be searching for you" this time she laughs before she looks back at me.

She was further away this time and only now could I move.

"You know me to well" she laughs before touching her table Infront of her, her eyes looked at me and she looked all business.

"Why have you come Oscar blackwood, son of the great Alexander blackwood?"

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now