WHAT IF- She Was Never Taken To Begin With

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Words- 3238.

Song:- Gabriela bee I'll be there.

Iris's P.O.V

I stood there for a second playing with my fingers before I huff and begin my pacing again.

Kyle was sat on the bed, his head looking back and forth to which ever way I paced.

"do you think she's finally gone crazy" I heard him mumble making me roll my eyes, trying to ignore him.

Silvers face pops up right on mine as I turned to pace the other way, making me roll my eyes again and walk round him.

"can't you see it, the crazy glint in her eyes, the sweat on her forehead-" he says, laying down on the bed next to Kyle as they both watch me "she went crazy long ago now she's hanging by a thread" silver chuckles.

I hears a growl making me look at Freya who was sitting beside Kyle next to the bed, watching me pace with anxiety before she looks and throws them both a displeased look.

"will you idiots shut up and leave her alone, we're nervous" she whines the last part.

A serious look covers my brothers face as our eyes connect.

"ice, you got nothing to be nervous about" he says making me look at him with a 'are you actually serious' look.

"got nothing to worry about? In a couple hours I'm literally being forced to meet the person I've apparently be arranged to mate with since birth! Without having a say in" I felt my tears build in my eyes making me let out a sigh as Kyle stands before me.

"ice, it will be fine. Something tells me you'll be happy after tonight" I stare into his eyes and they showed nothing but honesty.

But he didn't understand, he didn't know.... The real reason I didn't wanna do this is because I love another!

As his beautiful blue eyes pop into my head I felt my heart speed up yet break at the same time.

I looked down "I'm going to pop out" I say already making my way to my destination.

"iris, the meet is in a few hours! Nows not the time to be running around in your own little never land" he shouts after rme but I ignored him.

I needed to see HIM! He always make me feel better.

So I ran, I ran as fast as my 18 year old legs would take me. Why couldn't we pick our mates like the other wolves get to?!

Apparently because I'm of royal blood and the next queen, myself and the future king from another bloodline had been promised as in our mates were chosen for us.

Therefore at the meet - which so happens to be a damn ball- apparently our scent will be revealed tonight.

Other cases like this in history have turned out that they were mates all along, there's the odd rare cases here they wasn't Fated mates but they've had to live with it.

I don't want to be one of them girls! And I can't be betrothed to another when Im in love with another.

I found myself at the clearing, looking around with a frown.

He wasn't here? Why, he was always here, like he could sense everytime I was here.

"red?" his deep voice traveled through me, causing pleasure to rise through me.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now