Chapter 34: Letter To Iris Maxwell (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 4711.

Song- pink just like a pill.

(For some reason it will not let you add videos or pictures at the top anymore, so you'll find the music video here from now on!)

Iris's P.O.V

My eyes fly open and I sit up instantly wincing at the pain and discomfort I felt in my lower area.

My eyes jump around the room, I slightly Clint my eyes due to how bring the room is.

A frown takes over my features as I take notice of two things, one I felt as if time was moving slower. As in when I looked to the left second later my vision will finally be on the spot I'm focused on, giving a blur as It seems to scan everything I went past quickly.

Secondly, I was alone.

Oscar was no where in sight and I felt my heart drop instantly I tighten the blanket around myself. Feeling my eyes beging to feel with tears when...

'calm down there little red' Oscar voice rings through my head stronger then ever before, in the moment the door opens and my head snaps up.

Oscar scent overwhelms me completely as my eyes connect with his.

"I felt you and I'm right here baby-" he starts but completely stop, shocked running through his eyes.

"Holy shit," he mumbles before the tray of food I now noticed began to fall to the ground.

But to both our shock his body moved at top speed and his hand caught everything with the tray.

Where it landed perfectly on the tray, un-scrapped and as if he didn't drop it at once.

He reminded me of Tobey maguire from the original spiderman.

"Woah" we both say together before looking away from the tray at one another.

He throws me a smirk as he walks towards me, I watch him closely as he places the food down Infront of me and kisses my forehead at the same time.

Now we was eye level.

"I felt you the moment you woke up-" he tilts his head to the side "-why was you panicking?"

I wanted to lie, but something in me instantly changed my mind.

"I-i thought-" I bit my lip and look down, only to meet his eyes again when he gently cups my face.

"You thought I had left you?" He says softly and after searching his eyes I find myself nodding.

He shakes his head slightly, disappointment in his eyes as it floods through my body like adrenaline.

I didn't like that feeling one bit.

"Only a fool would be stupid enough not to want to wake up next to a women bless with beauty from the goddess herself" he says leaning closer and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

When my eyes open they take in how shocked and awestruck he looked.

"What is up with you?" I giggle out "and why did you almost drop the tray when you saw me?"

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now