Chapter 18: where your from (REWRITTEN/ NEW)

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Words:- 5107.

Song:- Maroon 5 she will be loved.

Oscar's P.O.V

I paced, due to the recent events it's all I found myself doing.

I remembered everything yesterday despite my half drunk and blood thirsty state.

She brought me back, no one had ever done that before and now she confirmed that she could see Gabriel, I just cannot deny it anymore.

Iris was my mate, we were promise together from a young age, to unite all kingdoms.

I didn't think it would go well, so I took the liberty to travel to see her before the arranged meeting. That's when I found out she was mine.

To say I was over the moon was an understatement, but she was young and I wanted to earn her love, not have her feel she had to love me.

So I used to constantly go and see her, every day at the same spot, same time and everything was going so well.

Until she was gone and so was I.

Then to find out it was all down to my mother.

How could I have been so stupid to come back here drunk, in my hazey state I had forgotten that she was sensitive around alcohol but I didn't know why.

Then as promise the binding spell I wanted was complete after I ripped my mother's heart out.

The moment iris stepped into the room I felt it, how strong my pull towards her was.

I didn't want her seeing me as a monster so I thought with everything in me to break through, I felt Gabriel fighting to but the monster in us was strong.

I couldn't control my mouth or nothing, but when she cried and she started walking towards the door, it was like I finally had control again.

I saw it, I saw nearly everything that happened to her due to alcohol and I felt everything she felt.

I could never allow such a thing to happen again, infact I will not sit back and watch her-

My office door opens without the person knocking, I look up with narrowed eyes. At the same time, I tried my best to push away iris song she made for me when we was younger out of my mind.

 At the same time, I tried my best to push away iris song she made for me when we was younger out of my mind

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She truly was a vixen. Her voice draws you in almost like a siren.

"There's a thing called knocking" I snapped at Kyle, raising my eyebrow when he just walks in.

"I've heard you pacing for hours now, what's wrong?" He asks.

Almost to quickly I find myself snapping "none ya!"

Still, the dick walks into the office walks over to the sofa and sits down.

He leans back, crossing his arms and stares at me.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now