Chapter 5: I'm not the only monster here, red! (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 2641.

Song- James blunt monsters.

Iris's P.O.V

Have you ever been in a situation that you couldn't feel any more awkward?

Like, you don't know whether to laugh or to cry, hell even do both.

That's how I felt right now.

When I opened my eyes, I was let with four pairs of eyes. I couldn't remember what the hell even happened and I couldn't lie I was freaked out.

Then after being bombarded with questions- which I couldn't even answer- and staying in the same place for two days, this handsome man decided he was taking me 'home' with them.

This was where it hit my first awkward moment with them, we loaded into a car and began our journey to their 'home'

A journey that was taking far to long for my liking.

"Where are we going?" I asked out, two of the men next to me, look at me before looking at the man who drove.

Yet no one answered.

"Who are you?" My eyes connect with the beautiful blue eyes of the driver and he holds my stare for a moment before he looked back at the road.

Again no answer.

I lean back in my seat with a huff crossing my arms over my chest.

I saw the driver watch me for a second and then a smirk covers his face.

I look out the window for a moment, watching the trees blurr by.

"Are we there yet?" Came out my mouth before I could even stop it then when I once again didn't get an answer I felt my own smirk over my face.

Then for the next twenty minutes I continued to annoy them with the same question over and over again.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

What just because i let someone kidnap me doesn't mean I'm going to be angel, they've got to earn their catch.

I was half way through asking them again when the driver let out a loud growl.

Although on the inside I was dying with fear, on the outside I narrow my eyes like the driver did as we enter into another stare down.

"I like her" I heard one of the guys chuckle.

"Well it's a shame she doesn't like you Dustin" another one shoots, I look over at him and give him a dirty look

"Oh I like him...I just don't like you" I snap out causing the others to laugh.

However I lost all nerve when the driver finally speaks "now why couldn't you have this much bravery when you was being chased by them men?"

His words instantly make me go quiet, honestly I didn't know where this was coming from.

I had never been so open around strangers let alone mouthy.

I was about to open my mouth and give him a bit of attitude I can't lie, when the sight Infront of me caused my mouth to just hang open and me to stare in shock.

Coming into view was the most beautiful house I've ever seen, it looked like it was built as part of the cliff.

Coming into view was the most beautiful house I've ever seen, it looked like it was built as part of the cliff

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I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now