Chapter 33: Bound (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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words:- 5784.

Song- pink never gunna not dance again.

Iris's P.O.V

When I woke up, the first thing I felt was extremely warm and comfortable.

No I mean dangerously warm and comfortable that I didn't want to leave, infact I snuggled even closer.

I've never felt so safe in my life and I found myself letting out a sigh of satisfaction, closing my eyes and willing myself to go back to sleep.

Then the images of last night ran through my mind and I find my eyes opening again before a blush covers my face.

We had done some naughty stuff, stuff I never thought we'd do...even more strange is how much I liked it.

How much I wanted more.

I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, he knows about Jordan and he didn't reject me. Infact he done the complete opposite, he had marked me.

I could feel him, not just against my body but in my head.

I didn't feel so alone, and part of me wanted to know if this feeling would stay or would I lose it the second I leave his arms.

After a moment, I turn my head up to look at him. My heart misses a beat instantly, swelling dramatically as I took in his sleeping form.

He looked beyond attractive, a gift he clearly got from the Greek gods themselves.

He was perfect and I was me and if I was honest...all this still felt unreal to me.

I was ready to wake up and all of this was just some sick dream.

A sick, beautiful dream.

Letting out a heavier sigh this time, I slowly unwind myself from his arms that are tightly around me and slide out of bed.

I walk over and grab one of his shirts, deciding this is what I'd wear.

My heart was still pounding in my body and the more I concentrate on my body I realized, I felt as if I was able to think and breath myself again and that feeling was freeing.

I felt like I had control again. I can't explain it really, the things I'm feeling right now feels as if I've just been drinking for almost a month and finally decided to stop drinking.

My eyes were slightly barley, the light was bright. My head was pounding slightly and my body felt so weak.

But I need to get out this room, I needed to feel human again!

Those last couple of days I felt nothing more then an animal, craving to be taken any and every way possible.

Now the thought alone made me blush, as well as causing slight arousal to travel through my body.

I've been stuck in this room for days which I know didn't help, so I just needed a moment, I just needed air.

This room smelt like Oscar and his scent drove me crazy, I just needed to put a bit of space between us. Before I did something I'd regret.

Finally covered in his shirt, I grab the door and slowly open it.

The cool air from around the house hitting my body instantly causing me to sigh.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now