Chapter 31: Bonded (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 4417

Song- Ellie Goulding love me like you do.

Song- Ellie Goulding love me like you do

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Iris's P.O.V

My head suddenly snaps towards the door and my movements completely freeze as I stared wide eyed with my fingers still touching down there.

Once again the door is slammed open, only with much more force this time that it smashed into the wall and dented it instantly.

There he stood, my mate with the Blackest eyes I've ever seen.

He held onto either side of the door frame almost like he needs support, his whole face looked darker and the whole ora bouncing off him screamed dominance and power.

I watch as a slow dark smirk covers his face as he pushed through the door and begins walking in....

To be continued....

My heart was pounding in my chest as I watch him close the door and lock it, keeping his eyes on me.

Once it's locked he slowly walks towards me, I started to slowly move my fingers away and close my legs. But once his eyes snaps down at my action I stop instantly.

I watch him lick his lips as he gets closer "my mate, in here all by herself being naughty" his dark, deep voice bounces of every room making my body shiver.

I went to look down but his finger capture my chin, bring my face to look at him.

Our eyes connect and I watch as his eyes slowly travel down every inch of me before he kisses his teeth for a minute.

"Up" was all he said, pulling softly at my chin. Myself being lost in this Oscar haze, moves my body to stand Infront of him properly.

My legs were wobby and I felt so naked under his stare, even with clothes on.

Play song.

His never stared at me like how he is now, like he wants to devour every inch of me.

God did I want him to.

"W-what are you doing?" I breath when I feel his free hand slowly trail the skin on my waist.

His eyes connect with mine again "it's like you said little one-" he leans closer so our lips were inches and I felt my breathing begin to pick up.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now