Chapter 24: The Ball In Her Honour (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words- 10221.

Song:- Katy Perry unconditionally (the dance in the video is what I imagine the ball dance scene to look like, so just an image here to help.

Iris's P.O.V

My mind doesn't seem to want to give me a break, all I seem to do is think and dream about Oscar.

And believe me none of them are innocent thought which shock me terribly.

I've never been this way now I cannot seem to stop, what is wrong with me?

To try and keep myself busy I decided I was going to cook my pack dinner.

I was half way through the steaks when my entire body came alive, I freeze and place my hands on the counter just as arms circles around my waist.

A rock hard chest is pressed right against mine, I felt his breath on my ears. Tingles travel through my whole body and I find my eyes closing enjoying the feeling.

"What are you cooking?" Oscar whispers deeply into my ear causing me to shiver.

"Steak" I breath out, instantly a gasp leaves my mouth as he spins me to look at him.

A heart stopping smirk on his face "well, you know your way to a man's heart dont you"

The more around each other we were the more I craved him and the less I seemed to understand why.

"Oscar I feel-" I start when suddenly the door opens and everyone floods in like animals.

Oscar pulls away instantly, just as I find myself surrounded by a bunch of hungry men.

"Did I hear steak?" Dustin says, eyes full of hunger as he gets to looks all around me for it.

"I can smell steak so there must be steak" Chris says, coping his brother's actions.

"How many do we get each?" Kyle and Blake seemed to ask at the same time, causing me to look at them weirdly.

I catch movement in the corner of my eyes, dusting and Christan both reaching for a bit of steak.

I spin instantly and smack both their hands "no!"

They pull back instantly, rubbing their hands that I smacked.

"We just wanted a little bit" they say in union.

The f*CK is it with everyone saying the same shit at the same time today?!

Just as they reach again I instantly grab both their ears, causing them to complain and cry out instantly.

"Touch the steak, lose your life. Get it" I growled into their ears causing them to nod then regret it instantly.

"Yes! Yes! Ow okay!" They say and I let go.

All eyes were on me, so I point to the table where Lexi, Aaron, dad, Alex and Callum already sat.

"Sit" seconds later the table was full.

As I turn back to where I plated half the steaks and was cooking the last few.

I got a sudden burst of emotions which were pride, love and confusion causing me to get confused myself.

because these were not my feelings, at all. My eyes then catches a glimpse of Oscar.

Who's arms were crossed as he leans against the counter beside me, watching everything that happened with a smile on his face.

'what you smirking at?!' I snap at in him mind link, picking up my flipper thing and continue to cook.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now