Special Chapter(1)- You Can't Avoid Me, Mate

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Words- 2868.

Song:- Lana del Rey young and beautiful. (I dedicate this song to these two, trust me when it says play song, play it to get full effect of the scene)

Aaron's P.O.V

I've had enough, all this f*cking mate talk.

It's doing my head in.

I've been here, I've served!

I've been the perfect soldier!

So where the f*CK is my mate.

The second we got iris back to the wall I walk straight past Christan nudging his shoulder and disappearing upstairs.

The house was huge but I was still much closer to people then I'd prefer, so I kept climbing this house higher, up to the roof.

I stayed there for the rest of the day and I close my eyes and get ready to stay there for the rest of the night...that was until a scent hit my nose.

The most breathtakingly scent I've ever smelt making fly to my feet instantly.

Slowly my eyes open and cast downwards, no one was there.

I paced the roof, looking at everything down there. The only thing new was the car.

Meaning someone's downstairs that's not normally there besides iris because I know all the mother f*ckers scents.

I get down stairs in no time, gaining lookings from everyone.

I look at their faces properly, there were two problems I noticed.

One, the only two new faces here was Oscar's uncle Phil and what seemed to be a younger Oscar so I'm assuming it's young Alex.

Two, every face I saw was a man's and the scent matched none of them meaning none of them are who I'm looking for.

"Where were you?" Christan asked throwing a tea towel at my head which I dodged.

"None ya" I snap back.

"None ya?" He frowns making me look at him as I walk over to a chair.

"None your f*cking business" I say putting my sunglasses on my face and putting my feet on the chair opposite me.

I don't know how long I let my mind get lost at the thought of who that scent could belong to, but the next thing I know is the scent hits me again and when I turn around I'm met with the most breathtaking sight that had me want to lose my mind.

Lexis P.O.V

I never thought when I woke up that is very day will be a day my life changed forever.

Me and my younger brother Alex had been in hiding for so many year I had lost count.

The furthest to the outside world Is in my back garden, all the shopping I do online.

My brother's learning online, it's a nightmare.

Somehow we had manage with each other company, doing family board games every night which Alex always cheated with and I always let him win.

I took my brother into hiding at the age of 8 and he was just new born, I'm twenty-three years old and Alex was sixteen now.

Yeah, that's right sixteen years in hiding, locked in a house. Annoying isn't it.

Of course my brother is my world in fact both of them was and I'm not stupid I made sure to tell Alex who he was, where he came from. Who I was.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now