Chapter 28: Girl Talk (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 5502.

Song- Rihanna love the way you lie part 2.

Iris's P.O.V

Yesterday night-
My heart was pounding as I stare at the door Infront of me.

The steps caused every piece of furniture to shake, of course these footsteps belongs to a human but to me he was a giant.

My hands began to shake and I stand to my wobbly legs and rush to the window.

He hasn't let me heal, he hasn't let me heal!

I panicked even more as I push the window open but just when I get one leg out the window my hair is gripped and I'm pulled roughly back.

A scream/ cry leaves my mouth before I stare up at the monster staring down at me.


"You think I wouldn't find you?" He snaps sending a kick to my face, I lost my breath and my ears rung.

"You think you could escape me?" He screams before kicking me in the stomach.

"Oscar" I wheeze out before another cry slips from my mouth when he grips my hair and pulls me into my knees.

He pulls my head up so I looked at him "your going to regret ever leaving me" he growls before throwing me on the floor.

Then he turns to look at the door "jordan! You can come in now"

My whole body runs cold as the door opens and in walks jordan with that sick and evil smile.

Robs eyes connected with mine "your going to get what you deserve iris! Then your going to him" he point over to the corner causing me to look.

I could barely see the person but they were there, I could almost sense them.

Before i had a chance to think about any of this I watched Rob leave the room.

"Wait! No please" I cried but he ignored me, by the time i looked back at jordan he was Infront of me. His first connected to my face causing me to fall again.

He keeps his eyes on me as he slowly drops to his knees, I try and fight but he's to strong with both his hands taking hold of my thighs and forcing my legs apart.

I felt completely frozen, my throat dried up and I felt the lump forming.

His smirk grew and he brought his face closer "this time, there will be no interference"

With that he ripped off my clothes, smacking me every time I'd fight, his hands wrapped around my neck tight as he lines himself up.

A scream rips out my mouth and I find myself bolting upright in bed, my heart bounding and sweat forming on my forehead.

After all this time and they want to come back now? As well as fear and sadness, I felt anger and a lot of it.

I shoot from my bed, pacing the dark room, I heard paws and moments later the light comes on.

Max had switched the light on making me slightly impressed just how smart they were.

My heart didn't calm down and max steps forward "iris? Speak to me, what are you feeling?"

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now