Chapter 44: Your Worth The Sacrifice (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 3709.

Song- the band perry if I die young.

Blake's P.O.V (I argued with myself over who's pov would explain what happened up to the explosion from their views...and who better then Blake and you'll see why)

We stood by the boarder, the same place Oscar left us. I tried to wait, I tried to stick to the plan we made.

Believe me I tried.

But recently drax (my wolf) has been restless, since them silhouettes! Since that voice!

Drax is certain that it was our bels voice, but that's impossible.

Our mates dead, we watched her die!

I...I felt it.

Now here I was standing at the boarder, shaking for a reason I do not know.

Kyle shots me a question look and I throw him one that says I don't know!

I look back at some others, pointing the way they need to go as I said everyone has a plan.

Soon everyone was spread around like they should be and it was just me and Kyle walking a trail towards the warehouse.

"What's wrong with you?" He tried to make it sound like he didn't give to shits, but I could see through that making me throw him a smirk, he flips me off of course.

"I don't know man, I can't explain it" i mumbles making him let out a scoff.

"Well try" he says making me laugh and stop, he stood two.

"Is this your way of wanting to get to know me brother" I joked...well not really past aside Kyle really was a brother to me and I'd die for him just don't tell him that.

Ill deny every word.

"Seriously Blake, what's wrong? You've been quiet, your shaking, pale. God I can practically feel drax radiating off you" he says making me look at him in shock.

Well then, looks like k baby know be better then I think.

"Awe, k baby you do love me" he throws me a disgusting look.

"Don't call me that!" He growls smacking me round the head making me laugh.

It fell silent between us before I let out a sigh "drax think that voice we heard with iris is bels" I say when he looks at me confused I remembered I never got the chance to get the ones who mattered most to meet her.

"Isabella is my mate, callums mum. She was the love of my life" i say.

"Okay, so that's a good thing. I don't see what the problem is?" He says stopping and making me stop.

"It's a problem because Isabella is dead Kyle, i watched her die" I explain, Kyle stood there in shock making me sigh again and lean against a tree.

"But I can't deny, drax hasn't acted like this in a long time. He only ever acted like this when she was around. Kyle I only ever had this reaction...the shaking, the butterflies, the impatience. I don't understand-"

"Blake" Kyle suddenly says but I carry on.

"I know what your going to say, Blake stop being a bitch your mate could be alive stop feeling sorry for yourself and go get her, but man what if it's not her-"

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now