Chapter 20: In Which She Changes (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 6936.

Song:- the goo goo dolls iris (this will appear again, as-and you'll find this out soon- ever vixen has their own song and as you could have guessed, the songs called iris so yeah bit of a give away, this is her birth song, HER song. But it just fits perfectly with this chapter)

Iris's P.O.V

Have you ever woken up and felt that something was different?

Maybe it was the way you woke up, or maybe the mood you woke up in.

It could be that you feel like you've changed or the world had changed in one night.

For me I don't know what It could have been, it was just the second my eyes opened I felt as if something was different.

In my life and in myself.

No weight from the events of yesterday seemed to follow me into today and strangely I felt a smile slip onto my face.

I felt energized, happy, god I felt alive.

I throw the covers off myself as I sit up, my eyes catch a glimpse of movement under the same cover I just threw off.

Moments later Max's cute head pokes out from under the covers.

I let out a laugh "sorry max" I giggled as I got up.

I heard no reply from him and when I look back he was just staring at me as if he was trying to work out who was talking to him.

I give him a weird look as I walk towards the door "are you coming? You want some food?" I say softly turning back around and starting to walk towards the kitchen.

The air kissed the skin of my legs making me smile, it felt nice.

I don't rememeber much about last night strangely, not even changing into shorts and a vest top. As I walked towards the kitchen my hearing took in anything it possibly could.

I could hear max following me, I could hear mia coming in from outside.

I heard every voice in the kitchen and I heard their individual words, I could also hear what sounds like paper being moves around making stop at the top of the stairs and look down the hall.

Where Oscars office is...was he even in there?

I shook my head and start skipping down the stairs, humming a song.

I didn't feel like I was dying, because that's what everyone said right? I've been cured and I'm dying?

Yeah, well I don't feel it! actually quite the opposite I felt f*cking alive.

Unknown excitement runs through my entire body, boiling like the hot water in kettle.

I felt warm, god I felt so bloody warm and for once -and I don't know how to explain it- I don't feel so alone and...and I feel more like myself then I ever had before.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now