Chapter 26: Training Day (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 3528.

Song- Ellie Goulding love me like you do.

Rob's P.O.V


No, double f*CK.

I never expected this to happen, for the first time I found myself admitting I may have underestimated nearly everyone.

My office in my ran down room was now f*cked due to me being unable to hold in my anger.

I need a release and I only ever had one release when I was angry.

My jaw twitches as I turn and go to make my way to the basement.

She wasn't here to help me so another person could!

Only my steps some to a complete Holt when Thomas stood at the entrance of the door, face emotionless as always.

This prîck was really starting to get on my nerves.

His eyes scan my office before meeting mine again, raising his eyebrow.


Oh is he for f*cking real right now?

I give him an 'are you serious' look before kissing my teeth.

"Yes there's something f*cking wrong Thomas! Nearly our whole team is dead! F*cking dead! And you don't seem to care!" I instantly snap.

He lets out a cold chuckle, walking into the room. We seem to switch positions so I was standing at the door entrance and he was in the middle of the room.

"That's because I don't" he states simply, no emotions as he turns back to meet my eyes.

"We underestimated them, we hit them when they wasn't expecting it just like you said and they almost wiped us all out, we didn't even once consider that the kingdom would jump to protect her. Maybe someone needs to admit it and say that this time I don't think it's going to be a easy as it was last time. If not impossible this time" I hated to admit it but I will be that someone to state it.

A smirk covers his face "your scared"

"I'm not" I breathed causing him to laugh.

"You are! Your scared of children-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Need I remind you Thomas, none of them are children anymore. HE is not a child" I let out a sigh and lean against the door "this is getting serious, we've lost nearly everyone. We would have to rebuild everything and start over again which could take months!"

It was silent for a long while and I really thought the damn beast would have come to reason.

Oh what was I even thinking.

His next words surprised me the most, I never thought this man could get any more ridiculous but as always I was wrong.

"So we rebuild, we start over. What part are you not getting Robert, I've told you over and over again-" he hisses getting closer "-ive got all the time in the world"

I let out the chuckle "the longer you take, the more and more she'll slip from us"

Now he lets out a laugh, his next words will forever sicken and confuse me.

It was this moment I knew that he really was crazy now and there was no part of his human side left anymore, he had been taken over by the darkness as we all have.

However the darkness in his was far more evil then I had ever seen.

"She will not go any where! WE have all the time in the world and I will have her! She belongs to me!" His sharp teeth come out and eyes glow red.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now