Chapter 22: Daddy's Home (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 4046.

Song- coldplay daddy.

Iris's P.O.V

When I walked through the doors I was instantly greeted by max and Mia at my feet, I crouch down to them as I felt their nose sniff all around me.

I heard footsteps coming.

"You okay? Where the hell have you been?" Max rushes out sniffing me like crazy when him and Mia pulled back suddenly and looked at me wide eyes.

"You've found t-" Mia starts cut I stop her.

"Mia please" I say, they seemed to catch on what I meant. I ran my hands through their fur "I'm okay, I was safe I promise. Can we talk about it later I promise to tell you everything" I say causing them to nod after a few moments.

I stood up slowly, keeping my eyes on my two wolves. I knew who was waiting when I looked up and I really wasn't ready for what was coming.

I felt eyes on me, loads of eyes so after taking a deep breath I look up.

My eyes connect with them all Lexi, Aaron, Kyle, Dustin, Christan, Blake, Callum, Alex and lastly on the middle of the steps stood Oscar.

My eyes stare into his and I couldn't seem to read a single emotion, as he stares back at me he leans back on the railing behind him, crossing his arms over his chest.

I swallow and his eyes seem to watch the movement, my eyes look at the others.

Then it came.

"Did you have a good walk ice?" Kyle says smiling.


I small unsure smile goes onto my face "it was good" I say softly.

"Do you feel better?" Lex smiles.

What the actual hell is going on right now?

"I do" I smile, after that a silence followed with all of them still looking at me.

Then it was like they were told to go away because they suddenly scurried away.

My eyes meet Oscar's again and his eyes had not left me, so far he hasn't said a word and I'm not sure I like that.

I slowly walk towards him, taking the steps one by one and he watched my every move as I get closer.

When we were the same level I look at him for a moment but no words seemed to leave his mouth.

'okay not what I was expecting...where's the shouting? Where's the smashing shit' Freya says unsure making me agree, I think I'd prefer him to shout at me instead of not saying a word.

"I'm going to shower?" I mumble still keeping his eyes, his eyes scanned my face before he nods.

He f*cking nods, still no words leaving his mouth.

I let out a sigh, turning and slowly walking upstairs. Max and Mia was about to follow when for the first time tonight Oscar's voice booms.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now