Chapter 23: They All Know (REWRITTEN!NEW)

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Words- 4376.

Song:- Ella Mae I need a hero.

Iris's P.O.V

I let out a giggle as I land perfectly on my hand and knees.

'superhero landing mastered' silver snickers making me laugh.

I look over my shoulder just at the right time, Oscar comes over the wall like the pro he is. Landing on his feet and flashing me a huge smirk.

An evil glint in his eye, I giggled before turning around and standing to my feet, before taking off.

Oscar really was holding back all this time, I thought I was fast. Turns out he was much faster.

Almost as if he heard my thoughts, I got about an inch further away before my body was tackled to the floor softly.

My smile grows as I look up at Oscar who was smirking down at me.

"Got ya!" His voice was so low and deep, it caused goosebumps all over my body and almost caused my breath to hitch.

I watch as his eyes flick between both of mine before down to my lip, my heart beats in excitement and a smile slips onto his face as he hears it going crazy.

His face seemed now inches from mine now and my breath now hitches, I felt my eyes flatter closed and I wait.

I waited desperately for his lips to touch mine like I've seemed to be craving for weeks now.

Only it never came, my eyes flicker open and I see Oscar there looking down at me smirking.

I scowled enters my face as I look at him making him laugh.

Son of a bitch!

As he chuckles he put stretches his hand for me to take, I did and he pulls me up like I weighed nothing.

A gasp leaves my mouth as he pulls me straight I to his body, his spare hand wrapping around my waist.

His breath fans my lips causing my breathing to go uneven.

"That was mean of me wasn't it, little mate" his voice was deeper causing me to stare at him like I was in a trance.

This man could do unthinkable things to my body and I wouldn't even care.! Where did that come from?!

"I should make it up to you shouldn't I?" His voice was taunting, he was teasing me.

I look at him through my lashes causing him to look out a soft growl, dipping his face closer.

"You have no idea the things I wanna do to you iris" his voice and words caused my heart to speed up and that's when I realised something.

I really wanted to know the things he wanted to do to me and I wanted him to do them to me.

His eyes darken as if he knows my thoughts and he takes slow steps towards causing me to take steps backwards.

The air around us goes thick and I became desperate with the cravings towards him.

It had been like this since he had admitted we're mates, I had no idea what that meant for me or what I was even meant to bring to the table through this whole thing.

However I can't deny it when I say, this bond was really growing and with it so was our lust for each other.

I had never lusted for someone before, I don't even know if what I feel is lust or something else.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now