Special Chapter (3)- The Maxwell Family Reunion.

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Words- 5283.

Song:- Julie and the phantoms wake up.

Iris's P.O.V

The banging on the door became more rapid as I hugged my arms to my head tighter.

Curling myself tighter into the ball I've been in for an hour, still trying my best to calm my breaths.

"Little red, come on let me in" Oscar whispers through the door.

'or I'll huff and I'll buff and I'll blow your doors in' silver says sarcastically causing me to let out a weak giggle.

I lean my head back against the door and close my eyes, images of only moments ago flashing in my head.

This still felt so unreal.

I stare at Oscar for a moment longer before looking back at...my dad.

His words running over and over in my head, Oscars head snaps to mine as if he knew what I was thinking and feeling.

I felt my breath come out in pants.

Next time we meet...

Next time!


As in they've met before.

"Red-" his voice held warning as he took a step towards me and I took one back.

Legacy watched the whole thing, he had yet to speak anymore words.

I'm going to lose it.

'silver, Freya I'm gunna lose it, please help me-' I start but silver cut me and Freya off before she could speak at all and I could speak any further.

'then lose it! Don't hide who you are! Don't hide how you feel! Let it out' he growled and it was almost like it was something I need to hear.

Instantly it came flowing out.

"Again?!" I breath causing them both to look at each other before back at me.

Before any of them could say a word I carried on "again? As in you've met before?"

They didn't say a word, but their faces gave it away.

"You have met before...haven't you" I said softer, this time legacy speaks.

"We have"

"How many times?"

"About three maybe four times"

I felt a peng in my chest making me rub the part on my chest where my heart is, Oscars face filled with pain.

Maybe because of this mate bond he knows what I'm feeling and when I'm feeling it.

That's weird.

A frown covers my face as I look back at Oscar hurt "you lied to me"


"YOU HAVE! you've been lying to me from the very beginning and you said no more lies! YOU! said that" I snapped causing him to go quiet.

Before he could speak I turned my eyes to my father "and you!"

I felt all the anger of all them years begin to build and I was finally about to let it out.

"Ice-" Kyle starts but legacy raised his hand in front of him to stop him speaking.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now