Special Chapter (2)- The Meaning Of Family

39 2 1


Words- 4804

Song:- Mandy Moore only hope

Iris's P.O.V

I stare at the book Infront of me and now my head and began to hurt, I let out a huff as I look at Oscar who just flashes me a knowing smile.

"We've been doing this none stop for two day! I need a break" I complain only earning a chuckle from him.

"Red you've gotten half way through this book already which is amazing, but if you are who we think you are, we have a lot to catch up on and I have very little time to teach you so-" he leans closer causing my breath to hitch "keep reading"

'i can read his eulogy if he likes' silverback snaps causing me to laugh out loud.

I found myself staring blankly at the book as I began a little a conversation in my head.

I kept my eyes on the book but couldn't seem to stop my facial expressions.

I could feel his eyes and I knew Oscar was watching.

'You can be a right beast sometimes you know that right?' fi voice rings out, I've come to realise she's the quiet wolf out of them both.

'Thank you' silverback says proudly causing me to giggle, my eyes connect with Oscars and that's when I realized his watched me the whole time.

"What?" I say shyly.

"You was talking to your wolves wasn't you?"

"No" I say, all it took was for him to raise his eyebrow for me to sigh in defeat "yes"

He suddenly pushes himself back from the table, looking back in my eyes "come here"

I stare at him in shock, not really sure what to expect. I found myself shaking my head.

Then suddenly he grabs either side pulling me quickly so my chair was Infront of his, my legs were between his.

Ever since that night in the kitchen, he'd been slightly different. More interested in me if that was even possible.

Unlike before now it seemed he really did enjoy touching me, I can't lie and say I don't like him doing it.

Our faces were inches apart.

"You don't have to hide here red" he whispers, when I didn't reply it was his next words that shocked me the most.

"You look so f*cking beautiful today" he all but growls.

"Your lying" I say softly about to look down but his fingers capture my chin, keeping my eyes on his.

"Am I lying?" He asks me, I understood what his asking me to do. So I listened.

I listened so bloody hard.

"You. look. So. F*cking. Beautiful. Today!" He repeats slowly his heart not changing it's beat once.

I found myself blushing.

"I'm sorry I'm pushing you so hard baby girl, I just want to get your memorys back and it won't be long till we figure it out" I tried to ignore how when he called my baby girl my body done the most craziest thing.

My heart beat only intensifies as his hands place on my highs and he gently and slowly rubs up and down my thighs.

"I made a promise to not lie to you, so I'm not-" his lips were inches from him and I fully forgot to breath "but you have to promise me something"

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now