Chapter 14: I see you (REWRITTEN/ NEW)

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Words:- 6807.

Song- The fray look after you.

Iris's P.O.V

"But mummy, I don't even know this boy what if he doesn't like me" the young girls deleted blue eyes met her mother's warm ones.

Her mother kneels Infront of her, cupping her face and smiling lovingly at her.

"Your his future and his past baby girl, he will love you" then her smile grew "besides have you seen yourself. Your so cute!"

The little girl wasnt impressed and pulls from her mother's hold "but mummy cute won't make me a good queen"

She crosses her arms and faces her back to her mother, who just stared at her so full of amusement and love.

She stands up and slowly walks beside her daughter, gently nudging with her with her hip causing the little girl to look at her angrily.

She looked ahead innocently before side eyeing her, moment later the sound of her daughter's laughter filled the air. Instantly they clouds outside cleared from the sky's and the bright sunset could be seen.

Her eyes connect with her daughters as she knelt down again so they were face to face "you become a good queen by the people who follow you, the way you lead. Not because of the way a man sees you" she cups her daughter face.

"You help him see the world different from the love you give him my darling, you are not an object a man can attach to his arm" she kisses her nose before pushing her towards the door.

The little girl takes a moment to watch her mother before a wicked smile covers her face and she took off running.

She understood her duty, what would be if her one day but for today...much like every other day, she was going to see her friend.

The friend she had been seeing for almost a year now without her family knowing.

The same friend she wanted to speak to every minute if every day.

Whenever she was upset, it was him she wanted.

When she got hurt, he was the first one she wanted to try on.

She managed to slip past everyone, past her brother, her dad, past her two guards she had grown up with.

Now she stood on the line of their border, ready to take a step when.

"How many time have I got to tell you not to cross the border" a voice rings behind her causing her smile to slip bigger.

She spun round to see her favourite jet black beast, he was small like a boy but by far much bigger then her.

She ran at lightening speed into his arms and hug him "hey o"

"Hey little one"

She lived the nickname her friend gave her, she climbed into her back like she did everytime and they took off running.

They did this for hours, every day for the last year. Neither if the kids missing a single day.

Suddenly the beast comes to a stop, looking around full of alert.

'this was new' the girl thought, growing slightly concerned.

"O what's wrong?" The little girls voice comes out full of panic, the boy did not tare his eyes from wherever he was looking.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now