Chapter 25: The Feelings We Try To Ignore (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words- 3885.

Song- pink trust fall (my new favourite!)

Oscar's P.O.V

I hadn't slept In a few days now, constantly planning and guarding her.

She just didn't know it.

Images of the fear flashing in iris's eyes replayed over and over again causing me to let another growl.

No matter how hard I tried, I could not seem to stop images of her at the ball when it was attack from replaying in my mind.

How could this Happen! How could I let my guard down so much that she almost managed to get taken again.

I had never felt fear like I did in that moment and I never want to see it again!

The thought of losing iris again hurt me and pained me so much it made me almost physically sick.

The second Killian took her the room was breeched instantly, I mean they were took out in no time and no injuries on our end happened...but it happens on her day! And I couldn't have been more angry.

Not just that but they f*cked up the moment between us, who knows how fair into our relationship that could have taken us.

I Couldn't have been more thankful for the blood bond Killian and iris had in this moment, if she would have seen any of what half of us had to do I don't think she'd come back from it.

Or worse, if someone had actually managed to get to her whilst we were all distracted...I couldn't live with myself.

We would all go in to despair, I don't think we'd come back this time.

I paced in my office like everyday lately when Kyle walks through the door, without knocking causing me to stop and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Is knocking really to much to ask of people in this damn house?" I snap only he ignores me and walks further.

"Or I mean come in by all means, I've always wanted company when I'm sleep deprived how did you know" I snap causing him to roll his eyes.

"It's been almost three days Oscar and we haven't seen either off you! When one of you is effect it effects the other which then starts effecting the pack" he states causing me to stare at him in shock.

Normally it's Dustin walking in like this, saying words like this.

Kyle had seemed to grow in these last couple of months, he had been silent for days and now he finally opens his mouth he sounds like a man instead of a boy.

"It's nothing" I say simply, instantly he explodes.

"This is not other Oscar!" When his met with silence he walks closer placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Just talk to me oscar!" kyle says causing me to let out a big sigh.

"Its about your sister kyle" i say simply, he really was not the person i could speak to about this to, even if I was considering it.

Especially with what i wanted to speak about.

"Which is why im the best person to talk to" he says as if its obvious, grabbing my shoulders to stop me from walking past him.

He really was growing balls, this son of a bitch thinks cause his sister is my mate I won't f*CK him up?!

Well...his really, his probably right.

"O, you look horrible, you haven't slept in weeks or even eaten. iris has barely seem you and thats effecting her, which only seems to effect you worse. this is killing us! its killing me. let me help my alpha, let me help my friend" he says softly, the emotions radiating off him i hadn't felt since we were younger.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now